How important is luck?

    Is there something controlling the positive or negative events that happen in our lives? Is there a God guiding all our steps in the face of what is considered luck or misfortune? Well then. These are questions that will hardly have a concrete answer due to their depth, which goes beyond scientific and metaphysical studies.

    A subject that is more than discussed in the circle of friends, speculation about this enigma is something that is part of everyday life. Who has never singled out someone as a โ€œlucky guyโ€? Gosh! My neighbor has a wonderful life, an amazing relationship and a house that everyone would envy. How lucky! But to what extent is all this a matter of being lucky?

    According to the dictionary, luck means fate, fado or a chance event. For philosophy, it is a phenomenon that cannot be explained, much less predicted. Therefore, there are several factors that surround this true mystery.

    We are used to wishing someone good luck out of sheer force of habit, because if that person doesn't deserve it, this speech may be irrelevant. One of mankind's greatest inventors, Thomas Edison, said, "Good luck is what happens when opportunity meets planning." That said, it is necessary to pay attention to what we are planting. It's no use wanting to harvest potatoes if your plantation is onions.

    How important is luck?

    Everything starts to conspire in our favor when we change beliefs and habits of mind and routine. It's impossible to get different results when you act the same way every day, as Albert Einstein said. Mirroring these great men of science is already a big step too. Rituals, sympathies or the like will only work if, inside you, the feelings are in harmony.

    The universe is governed by spiritual laws and one of them (very important), the law of attraction, is clear in saying that we attract everything we want. However, as simple as it may seem, it is not. It is not enough just to wish and obtain, it is necessary to really feel, to emanate good to the universe so that it reciprocates with the same. And luck is no different, you have to lend a hand much bigger than using a four-leaf clover as an amulet. Review your attitudes, thoughts and actions so that positive energies can flow your way. Perhaps, what stops your projects, plans and dreams is the way you act and speak. Get organized, rethink, redo, if necessary, but don't blame luck for not helping you; it needs to be sown.

    Text written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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