5 principles of productivity and personal organization

Having ideas is not always easy, but it is really difficult to continue those ideas, isn't it? Thinking about the daily routine, some actions are important to finally get your plans and desires off paper.

To be more productive you need, first of all, to be organized! Didn't the saying “organization is the soul of business” already say? And, of course, talking is very easy, but doing can be too. To help you, we've selected five steps that will improve your productivity – in life and at work – and your personal organization. Get ready to change your life!

Step 1: Download your ideas

Get things out of your head! Remember that idea you had taking a shower? Or that super interesting video you saw that could help you create something new?

Write it down, draw it, list it, record it!

Step 2: plan

Do you have an idea of ​​what your week will be like? And your month? Start making a schedule where you clearly see everything that will happen in your near future as well as your long future. Why not start planning that end-of-the-year trip? Or that promotion at work. It's time to focus!

Step 3: anticipate mistakes

How many times have you been excited about something, but ended up giving up because of some mistake or difficulty? Now you will anticipate them and prepare for those things that could spoil your purpose. You don't have to have all the answers, but understanding that 'it's okay to make mistakes', 'it's okay if I don't have the solutions', is half the battle! First of all: be true to yourself. How far are you willing to go?

Step 4: prioritize!

5 principles of productivity and personal organization

It's okay to have a lot of dreams, but you won't fulfill them all at once. Divide and multiply! And again, be true to yourself: is what you're looking for really that important right now? Is this promotion really what I want? Or do I now want to explore the world? Here comes the idea of ​​writing down and listing your thoughts again. Answer: what is important and essential to you?

Step 5: balance aspects of your life

Here comes self-criticism and evaluation: am I managing to reconcile all the important aspects of my life? What can I improve and what can I discard? Be honest with yourself and don't carry anything unnecessary.

To finish this reflection, take a moment, every day, to understand where you are going and if this is really the path you want to follow. It's not easy. Mainly because we have the habit of self-sabotaging, so we can't always be real with ourselves. Practice every day. Gradually it will get easier. After doing these self-knowledge exercises, tell us about your personal experience and leave ideas for those who are starting on this journey!

Text written by Gabrielle Cristina Carreira from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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