Find peace in nature

There are a wide variety of opportunities to find that much-desired inner peace, even if it's just for a brief moment. Meditations, yoga, therapy, courses, lectures… But some of these things require some expense or even locomotion from our home to a more prepared place. If you don't have the necessary conditions, don't worry. There is a way to find peace and it costs nothing. It's about getting in touch with nature.

mix with the earth

It can be a small vase with flowers or any plant of your choice. If you live in an apartment, you can also grow a small garden on site. Remember to use land. The earth represents the energy of life and nature in its essence, and getting in touch with it, moving it with your hands, is therapy and does not require great efforts. Set aside time in your day for this task and you will see how pleasurable it is.

Breathe ar puro

If you have a park with greenery close to your house, try to visit this place at some time of your day, or at least a few times a week. Try it. 

Hear what nature says

Have you ever stopped to enjoy the sounds of nature? The singing of birds, the noise of the sea or even the movements that the leaves make in the wind? These simple moments of near stillness are very relaxing. Listening to nature is a meditation exercise and we recommend it in yoga classes, for example. Try listening to the sounds of nature and you will enjoy it a lot.

Walk barefoot on sand, dirt or grass

The first sensation of going barefoot is the feeling of freedom. Even more when walking on grass, dirt or sand. You can feel the texture and temperature of the environment and feel part of it. The feeling of well-being when in contact with the earth is great and highly recommended.

Enjoy the beauty of nature

Sunrise or sunset, for example. The colors presented in these two moments of the day are beautiful and bring great well-being. A cold day also has its beauty, just allow yourself to enjoy it. In addition to being beautiful shows, they are also free.

Take a dip in the sea

Not everyone is lucky enough to live close to the beach and be able to take a dip whenever they want. But, for those who live far away, try to take a walk with friends and take that dip. Sea water energizes while relaxing.

Find peace in natureFeel the heat of the sun on your skin

Normally, in the autumn and winter seasons, when the sun appears in the morning, we go to the backyard or on the street to “take a sun”. Elderly people generally like heat because their body temperature is different from younger people. But regardless of age, enjoy this relaxing moment. Of course in moderation and care for your skin and health.

Use natural foods when cooking

For those who like to cook, it is an art, a therapy. Use fruits, vegetables and natural flavors when cooking. Nourish your life with these elements and it will be very good for your health.

Feel the breeze on your body

Especially in the heat, that gentle breeze that relieves and refreshes brings a feeling of well-being. Open your car, bus or home window and feel that breeze.

 watch the sky

Have you ever stopped to look at the sky in the morning? And at night, when there are several stars? Have you noticed the moon today? Observing these details brings a sense of peace and well-being. Every time you look at the sky it will always be a different sensation, with an unparalleled beauty that nature provides, even in the sky.

Written by Bruno Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team11

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