5 emotions that harm our body, according to Chinese medicine

Feelings and health: how emotions can harm the functioning of our body

It's easy to identify some changes in our body when we go through intense emotions, isn't it? Remember the last time you were scared or angry? How did the adrenaline make you feel? These effects are chemical reactions that occur in our bodies to the emotional responses we have at various times, and they are very important to keep us healthy and keep us away from what can hurt us.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, when some emotions are very strong, long-lasting and capable of emotionally unbalancing us, they can cause health and well-being problems. Eastern teachings state that the health of the organs of the human body is directly related to different emotions. Therefore, these diseases can be our body's first warning to show that something is not going well.

The sadness

This feeling, when prolonged or intensified, can cause lung problems. Pain and grief, which are directly linked to sadness, may be responsible for the development of respiratory diseases such as asthma. It is worth remembering that, in the same way that these negative emotions contribute to the malfunctioning of the lungs, feelings of dignity and pride, for example, are responsible for opening our chest and helping the lungs to work better.

The fear

5 emotions that harm our body, according to Chinese medicineFear is directly linked to the functioning of the kidneys and the heart, as our feelings of insecurity and terror end up directing their energies to the lower part of the body. This feeling affects, when intensified, the retention and evacuation functions of the kidneys. Even more immediately, fear and panic are responsible for cardiac imbalances, such as palpitations and tachycardia.

His letter

This feeling appears through excessive irritability, peaks of anger, frustrations and even envy. When we feel angry, according to Chinese medicine, we are opening ourselves up to possible liver disease. It is also worth remembering that the opposite path can also happen: if we suffer from some chronic liver disease, we consequently start to feel more irritated and intolerant, and may even develop depression.

the pessimism

Happy and intense emotions such as joy, love, courage, bravery and altruism are some of the positive emotions in our lives that help to strengthen the heart. On the other hand, some emotions that are also very strong, but less positive, may be responsible for the weakening of this very important organ. So watch out for moments of intense guilt, remorse, and pessimism, as they may not be good for your heart.


This emotion is linked to our insecurity and excessive worry that, according to oriental medicine, can affect us with diseases of the lungs, stomach and large intestine. When we feel very anxious, we end up retaining these energies and we can suffer from shortness of breath, ulcers, gastritis, colitis and even intestinal inflammation.

But have you ever stopped to think about why it is so important to identify these problems? Because, more and more, Western medicine is moving towards the treatment not only of the consequences, but also of the causes of each dysfunction of the human body. Today, more than ever, science already knows that walking alongside the ancient teachings of Eastern culture is the most efficient way to treat and understand how diseases and imbalances in the human body arise. So pay close attention to how you feel and how you deal with your emotions. Understanding what's going on inside yourself is the first step to maintaining a balanced and healthy body and mind.

Text written by LaΓ­s Mori Neri Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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