4 ways to cleanse your aura energy

With the rush of days, we often feel discouraged, unwell and have a certain difficulty to see grace in certain things. These factors can be explained and defined as laziness, depression, being full of negative energies, or it could be that our aura is completely unbalanced or dirty. But what to do to cleanse our aura? Keep calm! We'll show you 4 ways to cleanse your aura energy!

What is aura?

To understand the definition of aura it is necessary to go back many years in history, when the human energy field was talked about in a deeper way. In the Bible, for example, it is possible to find some references cited by Paul who called the body of light, considered a synonym for the aura. The Greeks already called the aura psychosoma – body of the soul (psycho-soul, soma-body). In short, the aura is an energy field that each person has, totally unique forms that can be built, modified and greatly influenced by their thoughts and feelings. It transcends the barriers of the physical body!

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Image of Okan Caliskan by Pixabay

How does our aura behave?

Imagine that every human being is a light bulb. Can you imagine? Now imagine that lightbulb lit. Figuratively, the aura is the light of the lamp, which produces a glow that can have a diameter of one meter (with variations according to our measurement). Every human being has their aura, which is their energy – it cannot be seen or touched, only felt. Knowing that our energy can be a meter in diameter, it is easy to understand that people who are 1 meter away from you are involved in your aura, just as you are involved in theirs.

Why is it important to clear the aura?

Everyone knows that anything in excess can be extremely harmful to human beings and the energetic part of each one is no different.

The energy of the aura is electromagnetic, basically consisting of positive and negative parts, like a magnet. As much as you don't see this energy, it keeps flowing.

It is simple to understand that excess negative energies are harmful, but know that excess positive energies can also cause harm to a human being, both spiritually and personally. Anything that is β€œtoo much” causes imbalance and harms a specific area of ​​life: too much positive energy can cause anxiety, agitation, lack of control in certain areas and even excessive speech, for example. The lack of balance hinders an individual's spiritual and personal development and causes everything to become somewhat stagnant. Therefore, it is extremely important that we clean our aura so that we avoid possible energy imbalances.

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Image of Pete Linforth by Pixabay

What are the benefits of keeping the aura clean?

People with a clean aura are balanced beings who can see and analyze life or situations in a clear, clean and light way. As stated before, balance is an essential factor to maintain a life in a crescent and it can also make a being focus and be centered in his own way of living.

The personal life of a person who has balanced energy is calm. There are no excesses in your spirit, so nothing overflows! Not that overflowing is bad, but everything that is somehow released from us needs to be recovered. When there is balance, energies are compensated and nothing stands out – self-control is present and it is possible to deal with different situations peacefully.

Now that you know a little more about the aura and why it is important to keep it clean, here are 4 ways to cleanse your aura energy:

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Image of OREANA TOMASSINI by Pixabay

1. Sal grosso

Surely you've heard someone say they're going to take a thick salt bath to scare away bad things, and know that it works! Coarse salt, when diluted in water, releases negative and positive particles that work for balance in our aura. Find out how to:

Take 3 tablespoons of coarse salt and place them in a basin with a liter of mineral water (it is essential that the water is extremely clean). Dip your feet into this basin, raise your attention and your thoughts to God, calm your mind, listen to quiet music and stay with your feet immersed in this water for approximately 15 minutes, keeping your focus always on cleaning your aura. .

This practice can be done every day, and it is indicated to treat the consequences caused by your imbalance, as well as all the tips that will follow. If you continue to feel unwell, know that you need to address what caused these consequences.

If you are one of those who prefer the famous thick salt bath, at bath time, throw the liquid from the neck down, as it can damage your hair. But know that the foot bath cleans your entire body, as this procedure unites the reflexology points.

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Image of arno K972 by Pixabay

2. Incense

You must know someone who, after a busy day, comes home and lights incense. But do you know the power that incense has? The work of this simple scented stick causes many elements of an environment to be changed according to our intention. It promotes a connection to the unattainable and makes us connected to a higher power. The smoke comes in contact with the air, which will transport our thoughts. Amazing, isn't it? Find out how to:

Light incense with a match (as it is more natural) and let the smoke spread throughout the room. Raise your thoughts to God and pass the incense around your body, calmly, until the smoke completely envelops you. It is necessary to focus your intention on cleaning the aura, so say a prayer and project your intention for purification into this act.

If you don't emphasize your intention in energy clearing, the incense will just be a scent.

Tip: each incense is composed of charcoal, in some cases salt and herbs of different types. There is a type of herb for every situation: to change the energy of a space where there is a great emotional charge and to cleanse your energy, camphor or eucalyptus incense is indicated.

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Copyright : Anamaria Mejia

3. Rue

Rue is an herb that has a very high energy power. It acts as a blade, which removes impurities from the aura and the etheric double. You can use it in herbal preparations, smokes or a simple branch of it. Here's an effective tip with the use of this plant for energy cleaning:

Take a small rue branch and run it over your body for three minutes, focusing on positive intentions. Swipe from the top of your head to the balls of your feet – sliding the branch into your stomach area immediately balances your aura.

After doing this, throw the rue in the trash, as all the vital energy contained in it was used to rebalance your aura.

4 ways to cleanse your aura energy
Image of makunin by Pixabay

4. Breathing

Breathing has the power to calm both our mind and our physical body. By breathing, we oxygenate our blood and completely change our energy pattern. As we breathe slowly and with intent, our aura expands – as we breathe out, we expel any negative energy. This technique must be done together with technique 1, with coarse salt.

With your feet immersed in the solution, inhale deeply and slowly 20 times, with light pauses and exhalations. Do this calmly, so you don't feel dizzy. It is always important to emphasize intent in any practice described here, as if there is no intent you are wasting your time!

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If in the middle of the technique you start to yawn, don't be alarmed! This is because your energy field comes into balance, making your body relax!

Now you know how to clear your aura energy! Share with your friends and promote balance!

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