4 tips for working even when you don't feel like it

As mere human beings, we are not always willing to work. They still haven't invented a machine capable of producing in us the feeling of happiness when we look at our watch and realize that it's Monday, time to get up and start another week of service. However, duty calls and we need to find in the depths of our being the best smile to face a bad-tempered boss, that meeting with the supplier and a busy schedule of tasks that never seem to end.

Unfortunately, there is definitely no trick that will put an end to laziness and unwillingness to get out of bed. It is more than common to feel discouraged knocking on the door after following a flow that consists of five days pulled by a stressful routine. However, a few simple secrets can serve as fuel to make your life lighter and your day to day more productive. Check out tips so you can go to work even if that's not your greatest desire:

Remember the whys

When that bad comes along and you wonder whether or not you should step out of your comfort zone to face the lions out there, remember your higher purposes. We work because we need, in a way, to guarantee our survival, seek quality of life, focus on continuous learning and, for these reasons, we spend money. Whether it's a new college, a graduate degree, a trip, that new outfit you've been wanting to buy, it doesn't matter! For some reason, we must pay attention to the whys of our actions. So focus on purpose!

Visualize yourself as a winner

Even if it seems too far to reach the position you want to reach, don't fall into the illusion that this goal will cost you a lot of time or resources to achieve. Fight for success and already visualize yourself as a winner. As soon as the laziness shows up, use some tricks to distract it. You can put post-its with motivational messages in the rooms of your house, talk to friends or relatives about your plans so they can charge you later, doing a kind of check on your progress. This will bring you back to the center of your goal.

4 tips for working even when you don't feel like it

Negativity is nothing

Always staying positive is one of the most difficult tasks to perform. Staying in a good mood constantly, even more with the rush of everyday life and the obligations required along the journey, is not for everyone. Although mishaps come along the way to try to bring us down, fight this negative feeling tooth and nail. Reorganize thoughts, appeal again to motivational phrases from leaders who inspire you. Keep in mind that to reach the podium it is necessary to strive daily.

Keep your ideas on paper

One of the most favorable techniques for organizing your projects is writing. Putting what you want on paper is a way of prioritizing processes. Write down everything you think is important, what are the steps to be taken, what needs to be accomplished, in short, make this habit a constant and see the incredible results that will emerge.

Each person adopts for himself alternatives capable of modifying the vision he has of things and of the world. Personalities and precepts are different, but what counts is the intention to transform, create opportunities and possibilities to improve in different areas. Be confident, move forward and don't give up on your dreams.

Written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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