Itaidoshin: union of mind and body

    How many times have we heard this phrase at various times in life, in cartoons and movies, right? In Buddhism, the definition of union (Itaidoshin) transcends the issue of union between people, but also a condition of perfect union and synchrony between people.

    These are different human beings, with different histories, bodies, characteristics and attitudes that differ from one another, however, they all work together for a great ideal. Bringing it to our daily lives, it can be people working in a company, people involved in a big event to people united by high ideals such as peace and prosperity of a society and even a nation.

    In essence, this principle teaches that different people deeply related by the same ideal can accomplish much more than the same number of individuals working separately for purely particular ends.

    โ€œIf itai doshin prevails among people, all your goals will be achieved, whereas with dotai ishin, you will fail to accomplish anything. The more than three thousand volumes of Confucian and Taoist literature are replete with examples. King Chou of Yin led seven hundred thousand soldiers into battle against King Wu of Chou with a mere eight hundred men. King Chou's army, however, lost for lack of unity against the unity of King Wu's men. Even a single individual with purposes contradictory to himself is certain to end in failure, but a hundred or a thousand people united in spirit certainly succeed. The Japanese are many in number, but the divisive spirit destroys their ability to accomplish anything in common. In contrast, Nichiren and his followers are few in number, but by acting in itai doshin they will accomplish their great mission of propagating the Lotus Sutra. Many raging fires are quelled by a single rain, and many evil forces are overcome by a single great truth. So are Nichiren and his followersโ€ โ€‹โ€‹(The Daishonin's Scriptures, vol. 1, pp. 409โ€“410).

    Itaidoshin: union of mind and body

    In his proposal โ€œPeace through Dialogue: It's Time to Speak Up โ€” A Culture of Peaceโ€, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda said in this regard: โ€œThe human spirit is endowed with the ability to transform even the most difficult circumstances, adding increasingly enriching values โ€‹โ€‹and meanings. When each person brings this unlimited capacity to full bloom; when ordinary citizens unite in a commitment to positive change, there will emerge, like a cult of peace, a century of lifeโ€ (Third Civilization, issue no. 381, May 2000, p. 44).

    It's not easy to get that perfect aspect of unity between people. For this condition to be reached, it takes time, patience, spirituality, a little affinity, and most importantly: the will to obtain a great result through a great and good ideal. It is to use differences as an advantage so that together, people reach the proposed goals and objectives. When feeling and thinking are harmonized among people, it is possible to attain the condition of itaidoshin.

    The key to victory and development is unity. Ever.

    Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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