4 stoic pieces of advice that will change your life

4 stoic pieces of advice that will change your life

Live today as if it were the last day of your life. Let go of what cannot be controlled. Know yourself deeply. Cute, isn't it? These are some of the fundamental teachings of a philosophical current called Stoicism, which emerged in Greece around 300 BC.

According to the stoic, we need to be more and more connected to nature and also to our nature. Therefore, it is essential that we know ourselves more and more deeply and also that we give up our desires and desires, which lead us astray from our true nature.

Anyway, being stoic and following stoicism is, above all, trying to know yourself, recognizing your mortality, your limitations and being rational, giving up when it makes no sense to continue and not letting yourself be carried away by passions and strong emotions.

We separate 4 pieces of advice that Stoic philosophy can teach you. Check out each of them!

let go of control

“The main task in life is simply to identify and separate issues so that I can clearly tell myself which are external and not within my control, and which have to do with choices that I actually control.” — Epictetus.

How many times have you lost sleep or spent the day anxious because of problems or situations that you couldn't do anything about? Therefore, according to Stoicism, we need to identify what we can control and solve, leaving aside what has no solution or control, because there is nothing that can be done.

the importance of love

"Hecatus says, 'I can teach you a love potion made without drugs, herbs or special spells - love to be loved'." — Seneca.

Many teachings in the Bible came from Stoicism. And this is one of them! If we want love in life, according to the Stoic philosophers, we must learn to love. Therefore, according to them, only the one who gives this feeling with all possible generosity and charity is worthy of love.

Self knowledge

“Go deep within yourself, for there is a fountain of benevolence ready to flow if you continue.” - Marco Aurelio.

What's the point of knowing the whole world and all the people without knowing yourself? This is how the Stoic philosophers think. So we need, even before exploring the outside, to know intimately the inside. When we are misaligned, the world and life seem misaligned too. Therefore, it is necessary to be well with yourself and to know yourself.


“Memento mori.” (Latin phrase that can be translated as: “Remember that you are mortal.”)

This phrase was said by the brothers of death – Hungarian Christian monks who studied, among other things, Stoicism. In short, according to this philosophy, if we live all the time aware of our mortality, that everything will end and that this end may be brief, we will live more intensely, enjoying every moment.

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Anyway, these are just a few lessons taught by Stoicism, also known as Stoic philosophy. If you seek self-knowledge and want to make your decisions based on reason, not passions and emotions, then maybe you have everything to do with the Stoics. So how about applying some of this advice in your life?

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