About spilled glitter

It's too early to cry, girl. Collect that anticipation of yours, put on a lipstick, line your eyes and go back to life. Put on your shoes, choose an outfit, and that's as urgent as the days that go by unreasonable and fast-paced behind your always-closed window. By the way, air your house.

Throw aside those curtains that darken so much and allow the weather to enter – whether rain or sun, but allow it. Don't deprive yourself of seeing the beauty of the vivid, clear and real hours, because existence, you see: existence passes scandalously fast.

About spilled glitter

The pain? She will not pass. Pain exists and pays you a visit every time your weaknesses assail or every time your legs stagger, stumble and throw you hard to the ground.

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Don't leave latent what makes you hurt, no. Take this sadness and invent a poetry, because drama is where the most beautiful and interesting stories are born. Take melancholy and make it your ticket to evolution, because in the pursuit of happiness we always deal with our fair share of difficulties.

It's still too early to cry and surrender, girl. Collect the tear, run to the street and silence the mouth of the wrong with your unpredictable grace. Don't allow the daring of those who dance on your wreckage if your building is still there, whole.

There's so much more glitter beyond your bottle of spilled glitter.

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