3 ways to get inspired

We are always looking for ways to get inspired, whether to complete that school/college work, to create something like a song or a text or even to dance and have fun. But we don't always feel inspired enough to do so, do we? Below are three ways that inspiration can come to you faster:

– Look for inspiration while taking a walk in contact with nature:

When walking, pay attention to details, let your imagination run wild; get in touch with yourself. If you have some quieter music that you can listen to while walking, don't hesitate to use it.

3 ways to get inspiredObserve the simple beauty of the green around you, and, if possible, walk barefoot to feel the earth in contact with your feet and, consequently, in contact with the energy of the environment.

2 – Look for historical references for inspiration:

People who have made a total difference in life like Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Joana D'ark, Mohamed Ali among others to inspire you for whatever your dreams and goals are. When we come into contact with these sages and philosophers, our lives become culturally richer and inspire us to move forward.

3 – Seek inspiration in the arts and fiction:

Not only do wonderful sources of inspiration come from real people or events. Watching a good movie, reading books and watching documentaries are rich references for inspiration. Books like “The Pursuit of Happiness”, “Eat, Pray and Love” and books like “The Kite Runner”, “The Brothers Karamazov” are literary references for those looking to be inspired.

Films such as “The Social Network”, “The Untouchables”, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” and “Precious – A Story of Hope” are recommended films to inspire and achieve the much-desired success in private life.

In addition to the visual, seek to be inspired by songs that bring some positive message, encouraging change and advancement in your own life.

The most important thing is to look for what inspires you directly or indirectly. It is often not easy and sometimes we can feel discouraged, however, often the key to inspiration and consequently achievements are very close to you. Allow yourself to search.

  • Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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