Shamanic Healing Love God and Friendship

Friendship is the affective relationship between people, of affection, affection, loyalty, protection. It is a voluntary social relationship of intimacy. Some bases of this feeling are the reciprocity of affection, mutual help, understanding and trust. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC / 322 BC) even claimed that friendship is a necessary equipment for happiness.

This month of July, on the 20th, the “Friend's Day” is celebrated. This date was created in 1969 by the Argentine Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, who considered the arrival of man on the moon (occurred on this date) as a symbol of union between all human beings. This commemoration was first celebrated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, through a decree. Gradually, it began to be celebrated in other parts of the world.

If we stop to think a little, we will see that having friends and keeping them is an art and a blessing.

Art because in contact with the other, we put ourselves aside — momentarily — and become something greater than the simple “I”. We become “us”. What affects my friend also affects me, in joy and in pain.

Friend is also a blessing in everyone's life. I am referring to the true friend, who supports us, even pointing out what is bad about us. The true friend does not judge, but serves as a mirror of our soul. And as such, he accompanies us on the journey of soul evolution.

The so-called Spanish “primitive communities”, the Indians, former owners of our country, lived in a culture that deeply respected the environment around them and the living beings – whether people, animals, plants, etc.

Existence took on a “sacred” meaning. Every life was respected. In the communities, there was no private property, as the only individual goods were hunting, fishing and working tools, such as bows, arrows and stone axes. The land, essentially vital for the Indian, belonged to everyone and the sustenance of the community was extracted from it.

What was produced was destined for the subsistence of the tribe. There was no need to produce beyond what the community needed—there was no waste or depletion of resources. The products of hunting, fishing and agriculture were divided among the relatives, but whoever was in need would also receive their share.

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Shamanic Healing Love God and FriendshipThe coexistence between the members of the tribe was marked by strong bonds of friendship: they could be between two men or two women, or between two couples. The atmosphere among friends was one of camaraderie; the friends, affectionate and happy, freely shared the goods of others.

Generosity among the members of the community was a condition of political prestige and an essential condition for the existence of the tribe.

In the Tupi-Guarani language, are is friend. The Ama Deus shamanic healing system reveres friendship as a divine gift, a point of support, joy, sharing and consolation in the face of life's difficulties. Among the healing symbols used by the shaman, there is a special one to be used when someone goes to visit a friend. This denotes a deep reverence for the feeling of friendship, when concern for the well-being of the other is fundamental.

The design of the symbol resembles a bridge, as if uniting people through a common feeling.

When visiting a friend's house, the shaman uses this specific symbol with the consent of the person in question or with the consent of his own Higher Self, given through his intuition. This symbol can only be used on living people with the deepest feelings of friendship or love. If necessary, the symbol can also be used during a session to find a missing person or an old love; however, the results must always be placed in the hands of the Father God and the Mother Goddess.

Tupi-Guarani Dictionary
Friendship Meaning
Friendship Day and International Friendship Day
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