The challenge of living the true meaning of Christmas

    The challenge of living the true meaning of Christmas, which humanity has not yet been able to understand, even though more than 2.000 years have passed since Christ passed through planet Earth: to live in love.

    Christmas, such a beautiful time! Bright lights, get-togethers, parties and people presenting themselves. But is the true Christmas celebrated inside these people, inside their homes, in their intimacies and in their hearts? Is the real sense of Christmas actually being celebrated by them? Will it be?

    Christmas, birth of Christ. Live and let love flow. Jesus was the personification of love on Earth. When we seek to understand a little more about the archetype of love, we see that only through this emotion can we find our true strength, in addition to liberation, peace, prosperity and happiness. Nothing is more powerful and liberating in a human's life than letting love in. And isn't that what Christ came for? To bring us the good news?

    Love is the language we must speak to communicate with the Universe, to have access to the heart of God and the language of happiness. But what kind of love is this that is capable not only of bringing us happiness, but of making us channels of happiness for those we meet during our life? As it says in Corinthians, when you love you don't seek your own interests; there are no judgments; when we love, we don't dispute and we seek to make our ego prevail over that of others; when you love, there is no jealousy, no room for envy, no judgments. Where there is love, there is gratitude; when you love, forgive...

    The challenge of living the true meaning of Christmas
    Mike Arney / Unsplash

    If a human being can exercise love in its most genuine form, he doesn't need anything else, because love is the most complete feeling; and from it all other kinds of blessings for life originate... But when we talk about LOVE in this sense, we don't just talk about the love of a family member for another, a passionate love between the members of a couple or a love between friends, for example. That's easy. We speak of love in its complete form, that is, of unselfish, fair and true love. The love that comes from God. Love for nature, love for animals, love for others. Even if this neighbor is not a family member, a friend or an acquaintance, even if he is someone unknown, it is necessary to love simply for the fact of perceiving him as someone like you. When we speak of this kind of love, we speak of the ability to love all things in heaven and on earth.

    Love makes you look in the eyes, makes you empathize, makes you feel compassion, love makes you human, love makes you god. The love that is felt, that is noticed and that is exercised in its simplest form. The love I feel when I say a simple good morning, looking into the eyes and wishing that person's day is really a good day!

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    TRUE AND GENUINE LOVE IS VERY SIMPLE. Many people talk about love, but when observing them in practice, we can often see that their speeches have been nothing more than mere philosophies, beautiful sayings and fallacies. Mere words that end up in a simple speech, in theories or sheets of paper.

    Love is simple, light, compassionate, spontaneous, charitable and true… in it there is goodness and peace. There are no conditionings, interests or prejudices. Love has no explanation. When you love, you can't explain. Just love. And it is this love that Jesus came to teach us. That's what he was born for. And our challenge is: even if we are living in an egoic and dense world, in which most people are still unaware of the real meaning of life, it is necessary to let in, every day, even if it is a small drop of that love inside. of us, because in this way we will be constantly washing our souls and accessing even a small portion of this good news that Christ came to send us.

    The most powerful feeling in the Universe is love. Love dissolves diseases, love brings people together, love develops empathy, charity and forgiveness.

    The challenge of living the true meaning of Christmas
    Chris Benson / Unsplash

    Make Christmas every day in your life! Let the love of Christ reign within you every day of the year! Celebrate the Christmas of culture, commerce and tradition! Give thanks for the gifts shared and received, the lights, the supper, the tree! Thank you for being able to enjoy all these things! This also involves love. Celebrate Christmas, yes! Celebrate your external Christmas! This Christmas, which, although it is part of the trade. It's beautiful, it's interesting to participate and dedicate this day to celebrate! But remember: all this doesn't make any sense if you don't live the Christmas of the CHRISTIAN good news first inside you! Celebrate Christmas within you! This is the true meaning of Christmas, because Christ was and is LOVE.

    Merry Christmas!

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