21 days of gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling that promotes a light universe and a peaceful state of mind. The practice of giving thanks does not consist only of being grateful for what we have received, but for everything that life gives us.

Anyone is grateful to receive a benefit from someone or help, for example, but the true being who practices the gratitude challenge recognizes even the air he breathes and is grateful for every learning that life provides him.

In addition to a feeling, gratitude is a way of life. Note: when you give someone an unexpected smile, they may think it's weird, but they'll probably smile back. If you look at someone strangely, they will definitely look at you strangely too.

Now imagine if you are grateful and show recognition not only in the face of material goods or explicit deeds, but also of simple and commonplace acts, such as thanking the person who gives you permission in a crowded environment, thanking you for the sun that shines brightly even when you are too much heat or noticing the simplest details that are more present in a routine so hectic that it practically takes away everyone’s energy…

21 days of gratitude

What would you get if you did that? Ah, it's important to emphasize that when you're grateful, you don't expect anything in return. When you act with gratitude, your chest will automatically fill with good feelings and joy. Every blessing that comes will be profit!

In difficult moments like getting a low grade on a test, having the disappointment of an unrecognized work or having a disagreement with a loved one, it may be a little more difficult to be grateful, but it is exactly in these moments that gratitude becomes more necessary.

It has the power to heal wounds, to restore hope, to connect values, to rekindle spirits, to generate changes and to show new ways and new ways to solve problems... Gratitude can change the way you see life and of living!

21 days of gratitude

We are going to propose you the challenge of the 21 days of gratitude so that you can feel in your skin and soul the power that this feeling has to transform your days and your relationships. The challenge consists of the following daily practice:

“Close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale very slowly, calmly, feeling the air in and out of your lungs. Get in touch with yourself. Stay there for a moment. Think of someone who has caused you some kind of pain or hurt in the past. Remember what he did to you. Try not to get involved with the emotions that memories can generate; just observe. Think now of the changes that have taken place in your life since that event. Identify what you took as a learning experience. Identify how you evolved as a person from that. Be grateful for this learning. Now mentally visualize that someone who hurt you and thank them for the opportunity they gave you to learn and evolve. Say, "I'm grateful." By being grateful, release forgiveness. Say, "I forgive you." Apologize for having maintained a certain connection through the pain, even if you were not responsible for what happened. Say, "Forgive me." Say goodbye to him, letting the hurt, grudge, and bad feelings dissipate and turn into gratitude. Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly, feeling the air in your lungs again. With great calm, open your eyes.”

21 days of gratitude

Do what was described for 21 days. Repeat the same practice as many times as necessary in a single day, with the same person, until you feel that all the pain has gone and that only gratitude remains. When that hurt dissipates, change the person. If you feel that you don't hold grudges against anyone, change the person's speech for some frustration that hurts you or for some event that has marked you in a painful way. It is important that every day a different frustration is worked out!

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Over the days, you will notice that your brain has been re-educated to associate forgiveness and lightness with those who previously referred you to pain and weight (whether a person or some situation) and that you will automatically see life with different eyes. The act of constantly giving thanks for everything and dealing with things in a pure and light way will make gratitude a habit in your life.

Feel the renewal that the gratitude challenge will bring you and share your process with us! Tell us what the practice of being grateful was like and what the 21 days of challenge changed in your way of being and the impact they had on your days. We want to know the power that this feeling emanated to your life in this proposed challenge, so don't forget to share it with us!

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