16 things to calm you down

We know how a stressful day at work can take a toll on anyone. That's why we've selected 16 tips on how you can calm down to improve your mood and take some peace for your mind. See below:

16 things to calm you down


One of the most pleasurable social networks to empty your mind and calm down is Pinterest. There you will find inspiring and beautiful photos to improve your day. Look for terms like “nature”, “gratitude”, “inspiration”, among others, and have a moment of relaxation in your day.


Stop whatever you are doing for a few minutes and breathe slowly. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold the air for another 4 seconds and release through the mouth for 4 seconds. Repeat several times and see how it helps to calm down.


Take advantage of a moment of dissatisfaction to pack or organize your things. The feeling that comes after the task is accomplished will make you calmer.


Make a playlist of songs that calm you down and play it whenever you feel your mood is taking a toll. Listening to music is one of the best ways to change your mood and your feelings.


Having some quiet game on your smartphone can help you get distracted for a few minutes and relax a little to get rid of stress.


Have a hobby that entertains you and makes you forget about the world around you. It's one of the best ways to disconnect from everyday worries.


Watching an episode of a cartoon you like is great for a laugh and a little relaxation.


The power of a nap is amazing! Sometimes, a few minutes of nap is enough to recharge and calm down.

16 things to calm you down

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Take a moment and think about the situation that is making you nervous. Try to find a solution to it, rather than just reacting and having negative feelings about it.


Eat something very tasty or lunch your favorite dish. There's nothing like eating well, to calm the mood.

Confortable clothes

Choose some comfortable clothes to wear during the day. This will help to relax your body and therefore your mind as well.


Stop for a few minutes to watch jokes or funny videos on the internet. Laughing is a holy remedy for any kind of stress!


If you like music, why not take the opportunity to dance and put all your energy in motion?


A hot bath helps to relax and calm down even on the hardest days.


Upload some photos on your smartphone that bring back good memories. Whenever you want to change the mood for the better, look at these images and rescue good memories.


Talk to friends about what's driving you nuts and see how advice from someone close to you can help improve your day.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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