15:15 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

Clicks, likes, comments, followers. We have never been so pressured to live by appearances as we are now, in the age of social media. In the blink of an eye, we can succumb to showing off what we are not and don't have or participate in a collective cancellation, judging the act or thought of someone we may not even know. Not to mention the hours of wasted time snooping into other people's virtual lives.

Does it remind you of the deadly sins like pride, envy, wrath and lust? Well, seeing the number 15 or the same hour 15:15 with a certain frequency is a call from the unconscious to pay attention to the type of pleasure you are having in life: whether beneficial or harmful. Let's understand a little more about it!

The meaning of number 15

To compose the number 15, we have the union of the numbers 1 and 5, which, in the vibrational sense of the numbers, bring the energy of movement and acceleration. While number 1 starts a movement towards a destination, number 5 wants to speed up or change the route to reach that destination. Nonetheless, if they are not in harmony, they can get lost on the way, for they are active numbers, who want to exercise their own power.

An example of the influence of the number 15 in life: look at people who were born on the 15th. They bring a strong personality. They are active, vain, anxious and want to live the pleasures of life – the famous carpe diem.

15:15 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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Returning to the original meaning of the number fifteen, it represents the need to speed up processes and fulfill desires that, if not conscious, can lead to pitfalls, as mentioned at the beginning of this article.

We all have light and dark sides to our personalities. It is necessary to know the point of balance between this duality to become a conscious person and lead a healthy life. Neither live ego confusions and relationship conflicts, nor live a monotonous life without any pleasure.

The 15 brings the perception of what kind of movement you are performing, as everything is wave and energy, which can lead you to joys or illusions.

The numerological meaning of 15

According to Numerology studies, added to the Tarot archetypes, the number 15 is represented by the arcane The Devil, which speaks of passions, acceleration and everything that is ephemeral. It is the power that dazzles, being able to enslave those who fall into its lure.

It is the desire for greed and instincts, not realizing that you are an easy prey to the ego's own illusions and affect the energy field, opening up to bad energies.

On the other hand, speaking of need to enjoy life, take care of vanity, fall in love and develop spiritual gifts. Everything has two sides, as already mentioned. That is why it is necessary to have self-knowledge to enjoy the best without falling into the abyss of appearances, judgments and vices.

15:15 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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What is the meaning of seeing 15:15?

When you see this time the same, it is a sign to take care of your energies and observe if you are not making a mistake in leading a life of superficiality, living in a cycle of illicit or immoral acts.

Reflect on how you are leading your life and what deepest desires you are expressing in your thoughts, feelings and attitudes. If you live in conflict, in problem after problem, it is a sign that you live in ego attachment, so it is necessary to re-signify the shadows to return to live on the path of balance.

If you are in a robotic cycle of life, without emotion, living with routines and obligations, the hour 15:15 comes to say that it is time to allow yourself to live pleasures, such as taking a vacation or a sabbatical, enjoying friends, taking care of vanity, renewing your look and wardrobe, take a spa day or weekend, date, go to the beach or practice your favorite hobby.

What to do when seeing the time 15:15?

In case of exhaustion or feeling of bad energy, say the prayer of protection you prefer or read Psalms 23 or 91.

In case of a stressful routine, take the time to do something pleasant, which can be having a coffee, eating a candy and even taking 15 minutes of sun to revitalize the body.

Now, if you realize that the equal hour sign 15:15 refers to the consequences of unruly attitudes, stop to reflect on it, take responsibility and find ways to correct or eliminate harmful habits.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 1515

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 15:15 pm is the angel Ariel. Turn to him to reveal your innermost secrets, to be aware of your truths and to work them on a path of light and love.

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The color associated with the number 15 can be blue, which relieves any kind of anxiety and maintains sobriety, or red, to stimulate the energy of pleasure and passion. In both cases, beware of excesses.

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