Open to tecla dane-se!

How many times do we not find ourselves faced with problems, apparently insoluble, then that friendly inner voice appears, making the following recommendation: “Better press the key…”.

Pressing the damn button corresponds to an extremely effective attitude and it is not only in the face of a problematic situation, in which we realize how useless it is to be tied to the problem, but in the face of any relationship with this so-called 'reality'.

We are immersed in the Matrix, stuck to the mental constructs of the experience and dealing with circumstantial setbacks that were caused by deep emotional involvements with the facts, because we consider that all events reached by consciousness are the expression of reality and this has been the plot in the life of each person. human being.

We do not realize that such a dramatic spectacle has no other objective than to show us how much, still, we are driven by our biological, human nature, slaves of the body-mind illusion, how much we are tied to the imperatives of our emotional histories and attached to to values ​​and beliefs that determine our behavior and attitudes towards life.

We don't realize that we almost always act automatically, triggered by external demands, reacting in a programmed way, guided by beliefs and values ​​that have been positive by experiences in the world and when, in minutes of lucidity, we look coldly at you, what do we find? A soulless machine disconnected from nature itself.

From a very early age, we were trained to compete, to take control, compelled to want to change the world around us, without realizing, with this, that we spend our lives fighting windmills like Cervantes' anti-hero, because all our footprints should be removed over time, that is, the more we get involved with the desires for fulfillment in matter, the more magnetized we are from the gross energies of this relationship.

It's a pity for not understanding that nothing that the mind presents as reality is in fact real, because they are impermanent information that should be treated as a landscape of this journey that life invites us to take.

The mind creates an entire reality from the data provided by the consciousness (Self) and uses, like clay, all the emotional fuel we provide. The world we treat as real is really just mental.  

In the face of all this, why do we suffer so much from this scenario? Why don't we realize that none of this has the power to represent us? Why don't we just hit the "screw it" button and treat the discomfort of circumstances as just a joke (leela)? It is simple to answer, this occurs because we create identification with the character who, instead of witnessing the events, decides to act and treats the dramatic plot of existence as reality.

The human experience is a mental experience, it's like we're really living a virtual life, trapped in a Matrix; we believe so much in this reality that it seems impossible to accept a contrary discourse.  

Open to tecla dane-se!

Why do we care so much about each other, about approvals, evaluations, judgments, tribal norms, other people's expectations, etc.? why dream? Why wait for favorable situations?

We are immersed in a lie, we believe in pleasure, success, conquest, when in reality, everything we need, we already have, we are full, we are digging in search of water in the wrong place, we just need to wake up and understand that the best way to deal with this reality is to press the screw it.  

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