14 ways to relieve stress

    Most of the time, we come across situations that make us stressed, whether it's traffic before going to work, or simple things, like losing something โ€“ even if it's not very significant. What really makes us relieve stress is the way we look at certain actions and the different attitudes we take towards them.

    Being positive in times of difficulty is a good way to reduce stress.. Keeping calm also helps, however, it is not always possible to keep your head in place, so there are some attitudes that can be carried out at the time of the event or even exercised daily, to reduce our stress.

    14 ways to relieve stress

    1- Keep calm

    In stressful situations, it is always important to remain calm. Breathe, think, especially when something is lost and that desperation to find it arises. Suddenly, when we are doing something else entirely, we find what was lost by accident. So always keep calm.

    2- Be positive

    Negativizing things doesn't help, being positive about difficult times is always a good way to face them. Think that everything will be all right, which does not mean putting problems aside, but facing them and solving them more energetically.

    3- Enjoy the traffic

    Use the moment of traffic to your advantage, listening to that song you've been wanting to hear for a long time, or take the opportunity to study a different language with audio and recorded classes.

    4- Save time

    Don't waste your time on what you don't feel like doing, or something that hurts you. Be direct and objective.

    5- Meditate

    Set aside moments in the day to breathe and meditate, whether when you wake up, after lunch, or before bed, find a quiet place where you can relax.

    6- Sleep well

    Sleepless nights are the main sources of stress, as there is no better time to relax than during sleep. To sleep well, avoid lights and noise at night, always sleep in comfortable places with a suitable pillow. It's always interesting to sleep after taking a good shower.

    7- Rest

    Weekends are made for rest! Use this time to catch up on readings, series, movies, tours, etc. Doing this is a good way to take your mind off everyday problems a little, so don't be working over the weekend.

    8- Make time for yourself

    Take time for yourself. It's always good to have people around, but it's also important to have a little time to do things you enjoy, without depending on others.

    9- Breathe properly

    It seems silly, but one of the reasons that leads us to stress is the lack of oxygen in the brain, due to incorrect breathing. Always breathe using both your abdomen and your chest. Breathe in through your abdomen and then release through your chest. It seems difficult, but over time it becomes more natural.

    10- Don't leave it to the last minute

    The famous earthly mania of always leaving it to the last minuteโ€ฆdon't do it! Make your life easier by doing a little of each activity a day. That way, you save yourself the trouble of doing everything at once in a rushed and often poorly done way.

    11- Have a good diet

    If food is essential, and having a good diet then, it's not even talked about. Fresh and healthy foods help you perform better and calm, in addition to bringing health, which is really important.

    12- Practice physical activities

    Physical activity helps to have a moment of emotional overflow and relaxation. It could be a walk, walking to work, the gym, or the market. In this way, you promote health carefreely and enjoying your time.

    13- Be organized

    Get organized! Be organized so you don't lose things and save time.

    14- Make plans

    Planning what you're going to do for the day and week also saves time, and helps us not get lost, thinking about all the tasks we need to do.

    Text written by Giulia Machiaveli da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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