12 habits to have a full life

Do you keep complaining about lack of mood, inexplicable pain and not enjoying life? Know that this, unfortunately, is increasingly common. The problem is when the complaint repeats itself over and over, but you do nothing to change it. Having a happier and healthier life can be quite simple if you set out to change.

Modern life is always hectic and exhausting it can take us away from simple and very basic habits that guarantee our well-being, but you need to take back the reins of control of your life and follow basic precepts that will help you to have a full life. The first step is wanting: having willpower is essential for any change. The second step is to continue reading this article and the third is to put into practice, even if slowly, all these tips below. Get to work?

1- Food

It's no use running away from the basics, what you eat is what fuels your body. Energy comes from the food you eat, so having a good diet reflects on a good quality of life. The more natural things you eat, the better your body will react. Always prefer fresh foods and invest in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Avoid processed foods full of preservatives, colorings and flavor enhancers. It may seem difficult at first, but it's all about practice.

2- They are

We often need days to have more than 24 hours to take care of everything and with that we cut what we can, most of the time: the hours of sleep. The problem is that our body needs a rest, some people more, others less, but we all need a minimum time to recharge. Respect your tiredness!

3- Physical exercises

12 habits to have a full lifeIt may seem boring to the sedentary, but it's just a matter of finding some physical modality that suits you. When you find it, you will feel a very brief improvement in your mood. The practice of physical exercises stimulates well-being hormones, builds a better relationship with your self-image and even makes you more willing.

4- move

It's not a repeated topic, it's just that the importance here is to move during the day, regardless of physical exercises. Most of us work sitting in front of a computer and can spend hours like this without realizing it. The problem is that our body was not made to be still and needs movements in a period of small intervals. Always force yourself to move every hour sitting at least, it's worth going to get a glass of water, stretching or even going to the bathroom without wanting to, just to walk a little and get your body moving.

5- Control your weight

It's not about getting neurotic, let alone becoming the next fitness celebrity on the internet. It is only necessary to pay special attention to your weight, as obesity and fat located in the abdomen area considerably increase the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, apnea and even cancer.

6- Be calmer

Nervousness and stress are two factors that take away from anyone's quality of life. I understand that we often get out of hand, but you have to do what you can to control yourself. Allow yourself to get nervous if you can't get away, but never let the situation become chronic. Nervous and cranky people tend not to be able to get out of this vicious cycle and therein lies the real danger.

7- See the bright side of life

12 habits to have a full lifeBe optimistic and always believe that everything has a good side. See the important and happy side of events and do what you can to ignore the things that try to take away your happiness. Be grateful for life and always cultivate good thoughts.

8- Pay attention to your breathing

It's the basics of living, without breathing we just die. However, many people breathe wrongly and insufficiently. Pay attention to your breath and whenever you feel the need, just do that. Breathing long and satisfactorily guarantees even an improvement in the quality of your sleep.

9- Stay away from addictions

Cigarettes, drink and drugs are not recommended for anyone, especially if it is in excess. But generally speaking, any addiction tends to be destructive. We shouldn't depend on anything to feel good, so fight any habit that you feel is taking up more space than it should in your life, including the need to eat chocolate every day.

10- Invest in friendship

Having good friends to share pleasant moments with is one of the great secrets to having a full life. Nobody is able to be happy alone forever. Living with other people, exchanging ideas and feelings is highly recommended. Never isolate yourself!

11- Invest in your sex life

Having an active and healthy sex life is also part of the indications for having a full life. Sex is part of our lives and must be lived responsibly and without taboos. Have in your partner a confidant and a person you should give pleasure to, but who is also there to make you feel pleasure and pride in your body.

12- Love yourself

It's no use trying to run away, self-love will always be the most important. Cultivate this friendship and affection for yourself whenever possible. Never belittle yourself and understand all your skills and desires. Always listen to your inner voice and invest in time to be alone. Don't settle for less than looking in the mirror and being proud of what you see.

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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