“Free the Mind” – Documentary on Mindfulness

    What happens when a neuroscientist meets one of the world's most respected religious leaders, the Dalai Lama? This is the starting point of the story of how neuroscientist Richard Davidson and his studies entered the field of mindfulness.

    Mindfulness, translated into Portuguese as "full attention" or "full awareness", is a technique that normally uses meditation to reduce stress e treat other psychological problems. Unlike other types of meditation, it is not linked to a specific religion, which is why it is used by many psychotherapists. The concept of mindfulness comes from Buddhism, but it can be studied and practiced by anyone. The practice is about bringing awareness to the present moment, accepting thoughts, feelings and sensations as they are now, as they are.

    Going back to Professor Richard Davidson, his story changed when he met the Dalai Lama. The religious leader encouraged him to do research, with the same scientific rigor as in the academic world, on meditation practitioners. Richard had already done studies on depression and anxiety, so he decided to face the proposed challenge. Part of these studies became a documentary called “Free the Mind”.

    “Free the Mind” – Documentary on MindfulnessIn the documentary, we see the application of mindfulness in three patients: two veteran soldiers from the Iraq war and a child who suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). From these experiences, questions were raised, such as: what is consciousness? How does it manifest in the body and brain? Is it possible to modify the functioning of the brain with just thoughts?

    In cases such as veteran soldiers and children with ADHD, the suffering is intense and, in many cases, leads to a fatal suicide. As much as there are therapies and remedies for these cases, many people still have not found a way out of their psychological disorders. And this is where mindfulness seems to have been a new outlet for them. Watch the documentary, see how science has approached practices like meditation and understand how it can help many people.

    The documentary “Free The Mind” has been available on Netflix since December 2016 and can also be found on websites and stores that offer this type of product.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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