12 attitudes to start working on the right foot

Increasingly battled, jobs are a representation of the stability we need to survive in the capitalist world. There are a lot of expenses and responsibilities and having the security of salary at the end of the month becomes essential. Bills, bills and consumption, whether necessary or superfluous, will always be there, regardless of whether you are employed or not.

When looking for a job, we give preference to those activities that we are most qualified for and that attract us the most. However, this process does not depend only on us. There is a selection process that may involve several stages in which we are evaluated by a specialized sector regarding our skills, abilities and behavior.


Nothing is more satisfying than receiving approval, especially when it comes to a desired job. From then on, a new cycle begins, coexistence with other people, another environment and in this period it is necessary that we are feeling safe and comfortable. In this way, it is easier to carry out our duties in a qualified manner and to do justice to that choice on your part and on the part of the company.

We've listed some examples of possible situations so you can do well and show service.
1. Social circle

It is important, from the beginning, to establish a good social circle. This means showing yourself to be a friendly person and open to new contacts. Take the opportunity to discover the most common lunch spots among employees, the games and get-togethers that can happen. Keeping yourself surrounded by a good working environment with colleagues and a friendly atmosphere brings well-being to everyone and a more effective and enjoyable work.

2. Get to work

12 attitudes to start working on the right footStarting a new job is the best time to show service. When hiring you, the company expects immediate demonstrations of your qualities and the work you are looking for. Don't be afraid to question and take a stand, however, show yourself imposing, conscious and responsible for your tasks.

3. appear

At this point it is important that you make your figure better known in the new work environment. Even if it is a reason to attract new looks and consequently new judgments, being noticed is important for your tasks to be credited to your image. This will bring a greater growth plan within your profession.

4. Good with everyone

It is important to relate not only to those who are directly working in your area. Seek to know and understand other fields of activity of the company and get involved, too, with these employees. From janitors to directors, pursue good relationships and experiences.

5. Position yourself

Once inside the company, try to understand why you were hired. What is the case with the previous occupation of the position? Therefore, check for any possible conflict or direct competition and make sure you position yourself fairly and pay attention to the risks and challenges with other positions.

6. Replanning

Here is a new opportunity to correct old mistakes. Recall your past job failures and seek to act differently. Mistakes are made to learn, now is the time to apply the learning.

7. Get organized

Make sure your work environment is organized and well divided. In addition to generating a good impression, this facilitates your activities and improves your performance.

8. Questionnaire

12 attitudes to start working on the right footAsk, ask and ask. If you are still in doubt, ask again. Questioning everything at the beginning is extremely important so that the company's processes and organization are clear to you. Don't be afraid to sound boring, better safe than sorry.

9. Internet user

Currently, it is increasingly necessary to monitor the activity of companies also on social networks. Search and keep up to date on the company's disclosure, actions and social media, as well as keep your profiles up to date and compatible with your current qualifications and job positions.

10. Detailed

A short period of observation can facilitate their movement and behavior in the new environment. Note the location of things, storage and opening hours of the sectors, so it will be easier to organize and adapt to the company's routine activities.

11. Help

As for factors such as organization and questions, already mentioned, seek to clarify your doubts with veterans of the house. The experience with the environment and its routine will be passed on as a source of greater foundation and credibility.

12. Plans and Goals

From the beginning, make clear your goals with the work. Support your role and goals to be met, present methods and planning. In addition to making your work and achievements more effective, it makes your boss and co-workers believe in your potential and perspective.

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