11 documentaries to rethink care for the environment

11 documentaries to rethink care for the environment

The permanence of human beings in this world depends directly on the health of the environment, which comes from human consciousness and attitudes that generate direct impacts on nature. Life is a vicious and delicate cycle. If you need to rethink nature and learn more about the animals and lives that exist in it, you can't miss this list of documentaries. Check out:

1. Terra

The fact is that the human being has been increasingly distant from nature and other living beings. The documentary 'Terra' intends to make you reflect on the relationship between man and the other creatures that inhabit the planet.

2. A volcano

Oil companies are interested in exploiting the resources of Africa's most precious National Park. In parallel, the rangers risk their lives to protect the park and the endangered gorillas that live there.

3. The True Cost

For you who have the habit of buying clothes and more branded clothes, you also need to know about how the production of these pieces works. The documentary shows the inhumane conditions that the people who make these products, usually workers from China, Bangladesh and India, live. In addition, other more sustainable and fair forms of production are addressed.

4. Born To Be Wild

The documentary tells the story of two women who dedicate their lives together with a team to care for orphaned animals, until they are ready to live alone and return to their natural habitat.

5. Cowspiracy

This is a controversial documentary that shows the environmental impacts of animals that are raised for human consumption, in addition to the relationship of this practice with economic activity and global warming. Other aspects are also evaluated, such as the ethical and cultural point of view.

6. Blackfish

The film was inspired by the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau, attacked in 2010 by the orca Tilikum, at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, in front of spectators. After this incident, the number of visitors to the park decreased significantly. The documentary reports how orcas that live in captivity can have unexpected behaviors.

7. Mission Blue

Sylvia Earle is an oceanographer who launches a campaign to save the ocean from distinct threats such as overfishing and toxic waste.

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8. Eternal Amazon

In this production, we can follow the economic exploitation and preservation of the environment in the midst of conflicts in which the largest tropical forest in the world lives. The film shows that sustainable development in the Amazon is a possible reality, but that in order to be implemented, great challenges must be overcome.

9. Extreme Antarctica

A team of environmental scientists travels to the icy continent, experiencing numerous difficulties such as giant waves and dangerous icebergs, to study global warming and its harmful effects.

10. Catching The Sun

The documentary tells the story of the global transition, through the perspective of the people involved - such as business people and workers -, who decide to create solutions to end income inequality and climate change.


The documentary reveals that people are often unaware that they are constantly ingesting genetically modified foods. In the midst of this new trend, a family man is concerned with defining the best way to feed his family without compromising the environment and the health of each of them.

One way to preserve the environment is to produce less waste. Want to know how? Check it out on the website: Sustainability: five ways to produce less waste.

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