10 things you need to start allowing yourself today

10 things you need to start allowing yourself today

How many times have you found yourself not doing or saying something out of fear of what other people would think of you? Yes, unfortunately, this is much more common than you think. As we live in society, we end up being influenced by what they think and say about us…

In this way, we forbid or prevent ourselves from doing things, being people and putting ourselves in situations we would like to be in. That's why you need to constantly remind yourself that we need to allow ourselves to seek our happiness and what brings us that happiness.

To help you think about what holds back your freedom and your authenticity, we've prepared a list of 10 things you need to start allowing yourself to do today. Check out!

1. Be yourself

Understand one thing: you need to wear the clothes you want, speak with the words you want, go to the environments you want, be with the people you love, do activities that make sense… In short, you need to allow yourself to be yourself.

However, if you spend your life worrying about what people will think of you if you do or be this or that, you will spend the entire time of your walk living in order to be someone others want you to be. Finally, allow yourself to live your essence fully.

2. Not being available

Yes, it's great to be with the people we love, help them as much as possible and have the feeling that we are together in life, but you need to take care of yourself and make time for yourself too, not just for others.

So you need to allow yourself not to be available to everyone all the time. Deny help if you can't help. Don't get in the way of your plans to reply to a message if you don't want to. And so it goes. Be available at all times just for yourself.

3. change direction

Change course. Change jobs. Ending a relationship that no longer makes sense. Abandon your beliefs and delve into a new religion. Discovering a new hobby and accepting that you're not very good at it, despite having fun...

Anyway, life is change all the time, so you need to allow yourself to be in transformation and change in yourself everything you think doesn't match your current moment. Never feel guilty about deciding to change direction and explore a new path!

4. Imposing limits

In line with tip number 2, you need to set limits, especially for people. Allow yourself to say that you don't like a joke, that you've decided not to go to that appointment anymore, that a certain friendship is hurting you and you want to walk away...

If you don't allow yourself to set limits in relation to people, environments and situations, you will spend your life disrespecting yourself and disrespecting your wants and desires. So allow yourself to simply prioritize yourself and leave the other a little aside sometimes.

5. Credit em if

Understand: you are the only representative of your dreams on the face of the Earth. If you don't run for yourself and your goals, no one will do it for you. If you don't believe in yourself, even if you have great friends and supporters in life, no one will do it for you.

So allow yourself to believe in yourself, believe in your potential, realize that you are capable and that you can, yes, conquer everything that moves your heart. Believing is the first step to achieving, so invest in your belief in yourself!

6. Being alone

Unfortunately, we live in a toxic society, which imposes that people who are more introverted or who don't want to be in a romantic relationship, for example, should feel bad about it. And falling for that speech is a big mistake!

If you feel happiness and peace in the moments when you are alone, allow yourself to be alone. Go to the movies alone, go out to dinner alone, give yourself gifts and treat yourself. Self-love is the greatest and most important love of all possible!

7. Not being nice all the time

Learning to say “no” is a big challenge, especially for kind, charitable, and generous people. But this is in line with what we've described about setting limits, especially on people.

If you find a way to be nice to each other and to yourself, great! But if being nice to the other implies neglecting yourself, allow yourself not to be nice. Say "no" without feeling guilty about doing it, because you are taking care of yourself.

8. Not feeling ashamed

Shame implies fear and fear implies forbidding yourself from doing something for fear of going wrong or what others will think of you. So just allow yourself not to feel ashamed. Don't be ashamed of your body, your trajectory, your clothes, your sexual orientation, the color of your skin and so on.

Sometimes it's really hard to even face a judgmental look and let go, but you need to allow yourself to do that for the sake of your mental health. Allow yourself to be who you are and not be ashamed of being that way!

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9. Run on your own time

One of the worst things social media encourages in us is comparison. It seems that we are constantly comparing ourselves to others: jobs, travel, relationships, friendships, family, financial life…

But understand two things: the first is that social networks present a false and distorted cut of reality; the second is that you have your time and you need to respect it, rather than rushing your life to catch up with other people's achievements.

10. Take care of yourself

The older you are, the more this advice needs to be heeded: take care of yourself! Go to the doctor, maintain your weight, do physical activities, take care of your diet, look for pleasurable activities and so on.

Also, take care of your mental health. Don't think this is a mere detail, so, if it's possible in your reality, seek psychotherapy, talk to a professional and take more and more care of yourself to live a fuller and better life.

Anyway, these are just 10 simple but very useful tips to help you live lighter and more peacefully. Understand that the less you forbid yourself, the more happiness you will find in your walk. Live with more harmony to live longer and happier.

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