10 things that wear out (a lot) your soul and how to change it

10 things that wear out (a lot) your soul and how to change it

10 things that wear out your soul:

  1. not be true to yourself
  2.  Saying “Yes” When You Really Mean “No”
  3. Doing something that doesn't fulfill its purpose
  4. Participate in small arguments or gossip
  5.  Being around toxic people, partners, or friends
  6. negative internal dialogue
  7. cling to the past
  8. surround yourself with disorder
  9. feel incapable
  10. lack of self-love

All these conditions lead to a tired soul, which in turn can lead to very serious problems such as depression or loss of empathy and intuition, addictions and psychological problems.

Some techniques that can help you heal a tired soul are:

  • Do meditation daily;
  • Listen to positive music that lifts your mood;
  • Practice techniques that help you ground yourself and live focused on the present;
  • Set a concrete, positive and inspiring goal and strive to achieve it.
  • Avoid being with toxic people;
  • Practice an outdoor sport, such as running or swimming. If possible, do it in contact with nature;
  • Love yourself. Even if you don't think it's perfect. Remember that you are someone special and that you deserve something better in your life. After all, we have nothing but ourselves and the only thing we can really improve on is our personal development.

If the symptoms of a tired soul are stronger, it is necessary and important that you seek specialized therapeutic help and seek medical advice in more serious situations.

Here is the place for those who seek self-knowledge as the main tool for personal and spiritual development. This will be reflected in your relationships with you and consequently with the world around you.

For Instituto MetafĂ­sico, helping people to acquire skills and knowledge is not just a commitment, but a passion. With a wide variety of courses and services, we make self-knowledge easy, accessible and fun.

“We want a better world, improving your world, but for that it just needs that you also want the same”.

You may also like another video in this series. Access: Don't be ashamed of your story

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