On the way to regeneration

    Giving course to God's designs and fulfilling the Law of Progress, the terrestrial Orb walks towards the world of Regeneration. Overcoming the obstacles of trials and atonements, in which the practice of evil predominates in the hearts of men, we glimpse, in this process of change, shining horizons for humanity. The light broke through human carelessness, bringing, over the centuries of pain and suffering, the clarity we so desperately need. A new dawn appears auspicious for the practice of good, a sublime virtue that allows Spirits to climb the evolutionary steps to which all are destined.

    The struggle against evil continues. While man struggles externally with his fellow men, imperfections, the causes of his unhappiness on Earth, fall asleep inside. Linked to selfishness and pride, he follows the stony paths that hamper his moral progress. Greed, arrogance and the unrestrained lust for power close your physical eyes and further darken the eyes of the Spirit, preventing the light of truth from penetrating your heart and awakening your conscience.

    In “The Genesis”, Chap. XVIII, item 28, 53rd ed. from FEB, we have:

    … The current time is one of transition; the elements of the two generations are confused. Placed at the intermediate point, we witness the departure of one and the arrival of the other, each already marking itself, in the world, by the characteristics that are peculiar to them…”.

    However, there are the obstinate ones who remain on the path of evil, delaying the evolutionary course of the Orb. The Creator, with his Wisdom, allows phenomena to occur that we consider “scourges”, but actually lead to the fulfillment of the Natural Laws that are part of every renewal process.

    On the way to regeneration
    Photorech–5554393 / Pixabay / Canva

    By opportune, I refer to the book “The Moral Laws”, Chap. 21, by Rodolfo Calligaris: “(…) Well, the law of destruction is, so to speak, the complement of the evolutionary process, since it is necessary to die in order to be reborn and go through thousands of metamorphoses…”. Thus, in the final analysis, “destruction is nothing more than a transformation aimed at the renewal and improvement of living beings”.

    On the threshold of these new times, it is up to us to reflect deeply on the way we live. At first, we must cleanse our thoughts, the source of all our actions. Thus, our mental field will emanate beneficial energies that will have a favorable impact on us and also on the environment in which we live. With this expectation of transformations, what is the direction we are choosing for our tomorrow, considering that we are immortal Spirits…?

    In the book “Planetary Transition”, psychography by Divaldo Pereira Franco, by the Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, p. 24, includes:

    In this inevitable effort, we will all be committed, experiencing the experience of love in all its expressions, forming a harmonious and charming contingent”.

    • Numerotherapy and quantum movements
    • Understand the relationship between planetary transition and the rise of humanity
    • Discover why you should evolve
    • Know what to do to be a better person
    • Jin Shin Jyutsu Philosophy: Connection with Harmony
    • The influence of spirits in our lives

    (…) Be assured, therefore, that when a social revolution takes place on Earth, it also shakes the invisible world, where all passions, good and bad, are exacerbated, as among you”.

    (“The Genesis”, Chapter XVIII, item 9. 53rd ed. FEB. (In the reflections of life, the best dictionary we have to resolve doubts is our conscience).
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