10 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

Many dream of the big day when they will find their soulmate and live a romance like those in the movies. But, when you meet the person, will you be able to identify whether or not he is your soulmate? Check out these 10 tips that indicate you might be with the right person:

Do you feel comfortable

As cliché as it sounds, this is true. Even in uncomfortable or banal situations, you feel comfortable in the person's presence. And, in moments of tension, her presence makes you feel safe and know that all is well.

Get nº 1

The person is your number 1 fan and supports and admires you in everything you do. Someone who can see all the value in you can only be someone special in your life.

Or time is worth it

Spending an hour in traffic or in line at the bank can be unbearable and an hour lost in life. But spending an hour with this person, regardless of what you're doing, feels like the best time of the week.

10 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

They get along well even in silence

In some relationships, it is necessary to talk a lot and always leave everything very well explained, and silence can cause a certain discomfort. But with a soul mate, silence is natural and you feel good about it. At times, you even know what another is thinking without having to say a word.

Best friends

You guys get along so well that you can consider each other best friends. One understands the other even when they disagree. And when they agree, they know how to have fun as partners for a lifetime.

The happiness of seeing the other happy

You feel happy knowing that the other is happy. And you also feel happy for being able to make the other happy. And then you discover that your greatest happiness is in that person.


You understand the person like no one else in the world. You feel when she is sad and understand the reasons that stir her feelings. It is as if there is an invisible connection between the two that makes one understand the other in everything.

makes you a better person

The person makes you want to grow and become a better person every day you are with them. This is an inspiration coming from a soul mate!

everything is easy

You don't have to do anything spectacular for her to find you attractive or pleasant. You just are who you are and you don't have to force a different way of being. Everything is easier when you can act naturally in the presence of your soulmate.

Sure it comes from the heart

Some things reason doesn't explain. And your soulmate could be one of them. When you feel an inexplicable certainty coming from the heart, it can be the sign that everything is happening.

Article written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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