10 commandments to be a happier person

Joy is a feeling that demonstrates the pleasure of living, it is the state of contentment and satisfaction. This emotion can be caused by several factors, from the simplest to the most exuberant, this is because it is expressed in different ways and meanings in people, since each one is in a different way. The only certainty and similarity is that joy is promoted by happy moments, which cause feelings of well-being and positivity.

It is worth mentioning that this feeling of joy cannot and should not be forced, in general, it usually happens naturally. When you are happy, people can express this feeling through smiling or even crying with joy. Every action has its reaction, regardless of the causes and consequences, the important thing is to be happy!

Research-based studies show that the feeling of joy brings benefits to mental and physical health, improving various aspects of life and, most importantly, its quality. As said before, it is not an emotion that occurs in a forced way, it must be natural, but there are ways to plant this feeling to reap its fruits.

10 commandments to be a happier person
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Here are 10 commandments for you to do daily to be more joyful:

1. Be grateful

Practicing gratitude has the power to make people happier. That's because people who are grateful tend to have more positive thoughts and, with that, attract more positive energy to their day. The consequence of this? Happiness! Sometimes it can even be difficult to see reasons to be grateful in difficult times, but that's when you need it most, as it helps to focus and seek the positive side at all times.

2. Be selfless

Being an altruistic person means seeing happiness beyond yourself and being able to rejoice in the achievements of others, without expecting anything in return. By developing this teaching, you end up doing more good and loving others, resulting in a real feeling of joy and satisfaction.

3. Make yourself present

Living in the digital age, there are thousands of distractions that hold attention and, often, people end up not properly enjoying the present moments. Many don't look at the sky to enjoy the beautiful sunset, the stars or even the trip to the beach, other than to take a picture for social networks. As much as the moments are recorded, the memories are vague. The ideal is to be present with body and soul at all times to enjoy as much as possible, this awakens the feeling of complete and real joy.

10 commandments to be a happier person
Free-Photos / Pixabay

4. Practice physical exercises

Did you know that when you practice physical activities your body releases endorphins which make you feel more energetic and with a feeling of well-being? And of course the result of all this, in addition to improving your health, turns you into a happier and happier person!

5. Nurture positive thoughts

Sometimes, in the midst of difficult situations, it can seem very difficult to maintain faith and positivity, but it is very important to nurture healthy and positive thoughts so that it is possible to achieve what is expected. Positive thoughts are essential for a joyful life, as they have the power to make you perceive different perspectives to act in the best way in search of peace and joy. Positive thoughts attract positive energies.

6. Practice meditation

Meditation is a very old practice, but well known for the benefits it provides to the body and mind, and also for its accessible practice without restrictions. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, improves focus and attention, helps to improve sleep disorders and causes a feeling of well-being, in addition to numerous other advantages. All this contributes to a more joyful and pleasure-filled life!

10 commandments to be a happier person
Brad Dorsey / Pixabay

7. Inspire confidence

Having confidence is believing in the best for yourself, it is having the ability to go beyond, facing and overcoming all obstacles towards success. A confident person loves life, even on β€œbad” days, and this is key to achieving satisfaction and, consequently, a successful person is someone joyful.

8. Learn from mistakes

Some people can't handle difficulties and become frustrated and unhappy, which fuels hurt feelings. It is essential to know how to bear mistakes and learn from them, after all, it is only possible to fix them, see beyond and acquire wisdom with the learning that life imposes. Making mistakes does not make one person worse than the other, on the contrary, it brings the opportunity to become someone better, wiser and, because of that, more joyful and content.

9. Abuse of creativity

Developing creativity can help you to perceive life in another way, bringing several advantages to your daily life, both personally and professionally, resulting in feelings of achievement and joy. Want to know how? For example, creativity makes you think and act in an innovative way, making you stand out, in addition to improving intelligence and giving you confidence to face challenges and adapt to the new.

10. Enjoy every moment of life

In the rush of everyday life, we often miss the small details that can make a big difference in our days. That's why it's important to try to make the most of everything and everyone around you, even the simplest gestures, because it's in those moments that we find reasons to smile and they complete the heart with pure joy.

10 commandments to be a happier person

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The state of joy can vary greatly from person to person, but one thing is for sure, it is fundamental to living a life of pleasure and satisfaction. And that's all everyone wants, right? After all, it is from joyful moments that life is lived well, they are good for the body and bring peace to the soul, generating successful people.

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