Your light is easy to love, show your dark side

    Your light is easy to love
    Show your dark side
    Light is easy to love
    Show me your darkness

    You have thoughts, actions, desires and desires that you do not reveal to anyone, not your father, mother, husband or wife, children, friends….

    Are you that person who doesn't live his sexuality consciously and in a healthy way, but teases the neighbor who wears short clothes or the friend's son who turned out to be gay?

    Are you that person who wants to see others happy, as long as others don't have more money, more beauty or the “perfect” marriage or the “perfect house” you think they have?

    Are you that person who is always beautiful and perfect or are you the good girl who does everything within what is morally correct so that the world sees you, loves you and recognizes you?

    Your light is easy to love, show your dark side
    PumpizoldA / Getty Images / Canva

    Are you that person who is never without makeup, disheveled, barefoot, without filters, without goods, without status and without recognition?

    If so, then it is to you that I want to direct this text.

    The Puritan neighbor; The envious; The unloved; The good girl; The bitter one; The barge; the ugly.

    And I can also switch to male, as it doesn't make any difference the gender in question:

    The bulk; The arrogant; The sexist; The egocentric; The selfish; The clueless.

    It is these people and so many others who form the dark side of their own lives…

    These same people are inside me and inside you

    The shadow, according to Jung, “is the person you would rather not be,” but the fact is that you are—or rather, we are.

    Your light is easy to love, show your dark side

    And as long as you don't accept, investigate and embrace those parts that need to be recognized and expressed more intelligently, you will hardly be you and you will constantly be dragged along by choices that will make your life too heavy a burden.

    If you have condemned or excluded outright any of the above qualities or others I haven't mentioned here, they probably say something about you; this is the best way to recognize your shadow.

    You might think, "Oh, but I'm not envious, nor prudish or arrogant."

    The point is that, when conditions are favorable, it is easy to be none of these things, but when we are faced with situations that put us to the test, the shadow emerges subtly or openly.

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    Look within yourself, at your thoughts and feelings. Realize that if the other bothers you it's because something in you needs attention, not what's outside. Seek help if this understanding is difficult to do on your own. And be part of the team of real people, who accept each other and who are much more part of the solution than the problem - both for themselves and for the collective.

    Work tirelessly on these issues within yourself.

    “Pray and watch” your own mind constantly.

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