Your learning will come through love or pain

During our journey here on the Planet, we face challenges. Sometimes we go through joyful and happy moments, but at other times we face sadness, pain and loss. We still go through judgments, betrayals, backbiting, anyway... In some of these moments, we look at ourselves and our life, and we ask ourselves the following question: "What is wrong with me? Because I? What did I do to be facing this situation?”. Some people want to disappear so they don't have to face the pain.

But who said living would be easy? Where is it written that it would be quiet?

No, my dears! NO!

Welcome! You are on Planet Earth!

Your learning will come through love or pain

Nothing that happens to us is by chance. Everything has a purpose. And learning and development are part of our existence. There is no human growth without experiences. And there are no experiences without sometimes having to go through challenges and struggles!

We were born, yes, to be happy, to have a worthwhile life, to enjoy good company, to see the happiness of those people who are precious to us. But life is much more than just being born, growing up, getting married, choosing a profession, having children, accumulating goods, getting old and dying. Life is much more than that! You are much more than that! You came here on this Planet for a purpose!

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There is no way to escape.

There is no way to hide from the lessons of human existence.

Nobody escapes it. Here is an immutable and, who knows, even eternal universal rule of all laws!

Your learning will come through love or pain

Learn from each of your mistakes! Learn from every challenge, sacrifice or struggle! Learn from adversity! Learn from everyone! Your suffering is there to teach you something! Take a good look at the people in your life! They are also there to teach you something (compassion, resilience, humility, patience, kindness, forgiveness).

Many learn through love and others through the path of pain. Christ himself said this thousands of years ago. That is, many acquire the wisdom and intelligence to learn, so they learn from mistakes because they are humble to recognize them and smart not to make the same mistakes again! They know how to listen, are observers and seek to know themselves! And so they guide life and learn more every day. With that, they become blessed, prosperous and peaceful people! They do face some challenges that come to them from time to time. However, when going through these challenges, they have the wisdom to deal with them, they know how to transmute them and they have inner peace and faith in life.

Others, however, choose the more painful path.

Your learning will come through love or pain

Because they do not seek learning and growth in the face of experiences, those negative and painful situations keep repeating themselves as in a vicious circle. And with an increasingly intense trend. This is the path of pain!

And some, unfortunately, want to give up! They want to give up and stop! But what they need to understand is that learning is part of the process! Pain is part of growing up!

You won't be able to hide from the learnings! But remember: they are there to help you grow! To develop you! To expand you as a human being! To help you evolve! To help you be someone more prosperous and blessed in all areas! And to help you bless others and yourself. This is the purpose of life!

In every day of your life, choose to learn through love!

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