Your happiness is in whose hands?

It feels like you've been walking for days through a scorching desert, hungry and thirsty. His clothes are already old and dirty, fatigue and discouragement are taking over his body, uncertainty has lodged in his mind, leading him to think that this search for happiness might not be worth it. It's been so much effort that you start complaining about the sand, the sun, yourself, others, happiness, God...

But for a moment you have a glimpse of your arrival at happiness, and that glimpse serves as a strengthening tonic, renewing your strength, and then you take a few more steps and remember, however, that other people can get ahead of you. and “win the race for happiness”. Also remember that you will need to compete with these people. And even if you are victorious in this endeavor towards happiness, you will have to make a superhuman effort to stay at the top, after all, you are sure that other people also want this place, so they will soon do anything to get you out of there. and get hold of that position which gives happiness.

Your happiness is in whose hands?
Photo by Chris Gonzalez not Pexels

In this case, we can imagine that even if you arrive, you haven't actually arrived. Even if you are happy, you are afraid of losing that state of happiness, and when you get into that doubt, you already get into suffering, so you feel unhappy. Even if you relate to the person who will bring you happiness, there will always be the fear of losing them. Doing the job of your dreams, there will be the pressure of competition, the insecurity of not being good enough, the fear of a financial crisis. When you reach a high level of prosperity, you will not be able to enjoy your material goods with intensity, such is the concern to climb one more step, and then more and more steps.

In these scenarios, happiness seems to be outside of you, it's in something or someone.

Your happiness is in whose hands?
Photo by Ruslan Zzaebok via Pexels

In whose hands would the happiness of the poor be? From the rich?

In whose hands would the happiness of the rich be? Of the richest yet?

Fan happiness? In the hands of the team?

Voter happiness? In the hands of political party X or Y?

And as for humanity, in whose hands would its happiness be? From the Universe, from God, Jehovah?

The way you feel is something that is inside you. Happiness or unhappiness are states of mind, that is, they have to do with your internal world and do not depend on the outside. So external causes of happiness and unhappiness are just excuses, justifications you give yourself. There are people going through so-called “easy” paths and even so they are unhappy, so it is not the path, it is not the external one.

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Be aware of your mood, take care of it, and then you will need to use the outside world less as a justification.

Quantum Kinesiology and Family Constellation, techniques I work with, can help you in this awareness.

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