Your grass is green, yeah

    I once heard that "the neighbor's grass is always greener than my own grass" and not by a long way, I realize many people agree with that saying, to the point of even despising their own grass.

    And I ask you, why belittle yourself? Why believe that someone else's grass is always greener than your own? Why think that the other can do more and you can do less? Why create stereotypes and blocks with your own grass? Why settle for being less? Why doubt your capacity for the world? Huh?

    Your grass is green, yeah

    Your grass is as green as your neighbor's grass and you have immense unlimited power within you and you deserve all the abundance in the universe.

    Just like me and so many other galactic beings.

    So today I invite you to make a deal with me and reflect on why the neighbor's grass is greener than yours. I invite you to stop comparing yourself to people and their respective grams. I invite you to plant from now on, a small little seed of love in your grass. I invite you to water every moment, whenever you doubt yourself, that little seed with thoughts of faith and optimism. I invite you to see that your grass is as amazing as the other's, if you want to.

    I invite you to trust you more and water the most beautiful flower that sprouts in your garden. I invite you to believe that there is an infinitely abundant power in its grass, to the point that butterflies come to land on the pollen of its infinite colors and flower shape. I beg your permission, and I wish you infinite possibilities and happiness in every moment of your life.

    And I want to point out that not all grams are perfect – they are just what we reflect on and bring exactly what we need to learn from in order to evolve. Don't forget, we are all galactics – each with our own grass and quirks – there is plenty of abundance here in the universe for all of us. Cultivate and care for your grass, always.

    With all my best wishes for abundance and love.

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