You have to learn to have faith

    Over so many centuries, we have heard the word faith treated with enormous reverence, but do we know the real meaning of this word?

    The curious thing is that faith has come to have a meaning very close to hope, that is, having faith in something means believing that the best is in the future, so we can bear the discomforts of existence, therefore, having faith has become an attitude of denial. reality, because we deny the present when we decide not to accept it and we take refuge in an ideal world, which does not exist, which is totally illusory. In search of a meaning for existence, we abandon the body and accept the scourge.

    Has it not crossed anyone's mind that there will be no better days? That the future doesn't exist and never will? That what is happening here and now is the best, and that it will not be denying reality and taking refuge in idealizations that we will learn the lessons that life tries to teach us?

    Faith is not believing that everything will work out, true faith is knowing that everything is already right and this is the great leap of understanding that humanity needs to make.

    We need to put our faith where it should never have left: in the present. For that, it needs to be closer to understanding, tolerance and acceptance. We cannot act like babies, patting the spoon that wants to feed us.

    It's time for man to understand that everything that affects him is for his own good, that's trust, that's faith, no matter the size of the problem, even if he judges himself a wretch and feels wronged, when he reaches a point greater discernment, you will realize that the best way to relate to all this is to give thanks.

    Thank whom? To thank the forces that act in favor of his awakening and these forces are within him, that is, to thank himself, for this will be the only God he will know.

    You have to learn to have faith

    Of course, for the vast majority, all this speech will be treated as nonsense, because no one wants to suffer and few will give up their beliefs, but stop and think, have you ever wondered why you suffer? Have you ever tried to understand why Jesus said, “Blessed are those who suffer”? What bliss is this?

    It's simple, suffering has only one goal: to work for our awakening. We are asleep, living on the island of lotophagous, believing in Maya's illusions, so we suffer.

    Yes my friend, you need to wake up, adjust to the Universe, you need to follow its Laws, obey the imperatives of evolution and when these forces meet resistance in you, they will respond with suffering. The same suffering that beats you down now and makes you hide in the future through an irrational faith, is the one that will transform you.

    It's time for us to study ourselves deeply, talk to your own pain, learn to respect her, because she is our greatest ally. Man grows and matures with suffering, for there is no consciousness that does not evolve without it.

    If we remove this distorted sense of faith in the present day, we will be imploding the vast majority of religions, as they feed on our ignorance and need this devotion.

    Man needs to face life, understand pain and stop running away from reality.

    Buddha already taught that the first noble truth of existence is suffering.

    The second noble truth is that suffering has a cause and the cause of suffering is ignorance.

    The great enlightened ones have already taught this, why do we insist on not accepting it?

    Seeking pleasure to relieve pain is not the solution, because the same hand that strokes is the one that stones.

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