You are so much more than a body

    Summer arrives and the invitations to the shortest clothes, to walks to the beaches and pools begin, so you are forced to look in the mirror and assess how your body is… bodies in the world, judges and determines whether or not you can enjoy this fantastic moment that is summer.

    At that moment, you see that your belly isn't flat as a board, your arm isn't thin enough, your thighs aren't toned enough, and oh my god, the stretch marks, you forgot about them… You finish your report. feeling as if you had failed badly, with yourself and with humanity, because it will be another summer in which you will not be a perfect doll parading along the sands of the beach.

    You feel like you're a failure in life and you forget about all the people you've hugged during the year, all the good things you've done, you completely forget how smart you are, how much you excelled at school or work, forget those happy moments with loved ones, forget the sunset you saw, the tears you dried, the sincere smiles, you forget everything that makes you a fantastic human being, after all, what good is all this without a humanly impossible body that the media makes us believe that is it ideal?

    You are so much more than a body

    The result? You don't enjoy the beach, you wear clothes that hide your body, even with forty degrees heat, you bar all possibilities of being happy and keep your head there in the future, next year, in which you will probably try to do a strict diet, exercise, taking medication… I'm sure you still haven't figured out the big problem with all of this?

    Is it really “okay” for you to let go of all the wonderful things about you and focus solely on your body shape?

    I want you to understand (I think I fit that “you” too) that never, ever in your life, you and your body will be like that, that or that other, because we are a unique and exclusive individual created by nature. We have different shapes, marks, spots and colors, there are so many details that mother nature painted with so much love on us, that it becomes an offense not to like it and want to be something unreal.

    Leave the shape of your body aside now and focus on the last months of your life, also inside you, evaluate yourself as a whole and realize: you probably love someone very much and are loved too, by relatives, friends, at your pet or whatever. You must be extraordinary in some area, which might be math, it might be music or poetry, or you might just have the amazing ability to be kind to others.

    Also, I'm sure you've made someone smile in the last few months and I can bet that, without even realizing it, you had fun at various times. At some point in your life, you helped someone a lot... Still don't realize how amazing you are?

    You are so much more than a body

    Boy, girl, look at the struggles you've won, look at how much you've learned during your life, how many people you've touched... See yourself truly, be honest with yourself now and admit to me that you agree with me: you are a universe, a fantastic being, a light that expands and evolves every day. Are you even going to let half a dozen people make you believe you're less than fantastic?

    Lastly, your body is an instrument that allows you to experience the good and bad sensations of life, allows you to feel in the physical the love, joy, pride and all those sensations that fill us with good energies. Your body is what makes touch, affection and caress possible. Your body is what allows you to smell food, wet grass and the tide. Your body is what makes it possible to embrace, smile and live all the beautiful possibilities in this life.

    But the body only makes this possible because inside it there is a good heart, such a beautiful soul and an extremely intelligent mind, characteristics that make you so, that way, that I no longer have words to describe how amazing you are.

    Well, after all that I've said, will you still think you're just your body? I hope not! And I hope you put on your bathing suit now and enjoy the summer, but enjoy it with all of you, live this moment with your whole body and soul.

    You are too wonderful to believe that your beauty is limited to your body. 

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Break the cycle of bullying through love

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