Beloved! Light is the spark that creates life. The Source that everything is, is nothing more than where the life of everything that exists in the immensity of the Universes originates. Light is a frequency. Light is also a consciousness. And you are part of that consciousness, so we say that we are all ONE.

    At this moment, you are just a fractal of this consciousness, as your Higher Self has decided to collaborate in the creation and evolution of the Worlds. In fact, you are following the Creator's recommendation, for He said: "Go and create, scattering your seeds throughout the Galaxies!"

    You have never been obligated to anything, for there is nothing and no one above that can demand it. You are part of the whole and therefore you are sovereign. You have decided to experience life and the construction of a Third Dimensional World, where consciousness is limited to the point where it no longer remembers who it is.

    ArsAdAstra / Pissed

    You have decided to explore and live in a world of duality, where the Trials and Atonements are the rule and the lever that drives such learning. A world of polarities, where this consciousness evolves through opposing experiences, incarnating now in one condition, now in another.

    You are brave! Did you know that the Earth School is one of the toughest of all in the Universe. But I also knew that the support would never lack, even forgetting who you are in essence. You were never alone! A true protection apparatus has always accompanied you and will accompany you until the end of the trajectory, that is, until the return home.

    You walked through other worlds before you were here on Earth. There, learning was not enough to climb the ladder of ascension and return to their higher versions of themselves. So Earth was more of an option. And here you are!

    You feel that something different is happening now. It often feels like a metamorphosis is transforming your consciousness. If before, as a caterpillar, you could walk, now you feel like a butterfly that can fly.

    As the awareness that you are expands, the wings grow and the flight goes higher. There are times when you rise to the point where you see how limited the world you once believed to be real was. New horizons are shown as the ascent takes place. New realities arise before your eyes.

    That's encouraging! But it can also bring an anguish never felt before. In addition to an expectation that something new always brings, even more when dealing with a Planetary Transition, simultaneously with the ascension of the incarnated soul. It is a unique event that the Galaxy experiences, and this increases even more the emotion that the great show will provide to each person incarnated on Earth.

    You have gone so far that you have reached the ends of the Nebadon Universe. Traveled through the periphery of this Milky Way Galaxy. You experienced all the teachings that the dark night of the soul gave you. You went where you needed to go! You got it! You're a winner!

    basar17 de Getty Images / Canva

    You knew it wouldn't be easy! But even so, he decided to accept the experience in order to become one of the Ascended Masters of Earth. Such knowledge will be integrated into your higher soul versions and then aggregated with your HIGHER SELF. Therefore, after ascension, you will be able to practice all this knowledge, in the aid of other worlds still in transit in the lower Dimensions.

    At this point, you have already reached Point Zero. Now start the return. Your conscience is still confused, for it has not yet freed itself from all veils. But each day, one by one, all these veils will be removed. This is what will provide a broader view of everything you have experienced, and even who you really are. You are leaving behind the necessary illusion of 3D.

    From now on, despite the doubts that may still temporarily torment you, everything will be more real and faster. Before long, your consciousness will be able to absorb more and more information, and the past will seem like a fairy tale. You will understand that it was all just an act in order to gather experiences in a Third Dimensional World.

    Trust! The difficulties, henceforth, are nothing more than frequency adjustments. There are no more Trials or Atonements for those who have already made the turn at Point Zero. The way back will have nothing more to learn. You will also have the assessment of what was learned on the way.

    The return will be very fast. It's like a one-way trip by foot and back by plane. So what was yesterday is no longer today. And what is today will not be tomorrow either.

    You are anxious and restless. He is also distressed, because he looks like that student at the end of his course, waiting for the results of his tests. But if this subject interests you, have no doubt that you did well in these tests. There will be no lack of points for the final approval. Just keep the confidence and perseverance, as some may still give up even though they are on the final stretch of this journey.

    kieferpix de Getty Images / Canva

    Onward, soul brother! Courage and confidence, because you are on the right path! Even if someone still tries to lead you astray, persist! YOU ARE A LIGHTHOUSE. When making the turn at Point Zero, your Light was turned on again.

    And now, she shines enough to show you the way and also to light the steps of those who decide to walk by your side.

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    YOU ARE A LIGHTHOUSE! You are a consciousness of Light! You never stopped being Light, even when you walked through the dark night of the soul. Believe it and trust! You're a winner!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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