Yoga: Union body and mind

    Trauma, fears, anxieties, bizarre dreams, back pain, pain, worries… Everyone has them. And it's all connected. A pain in the back is linked with a weight that carries inside the head, a worry, a resistance. Any illness is linked to an emotional and energetic component. Any imbalance in the mind has to do with the body.

    When we have pain and imbalances with physical symptoms, we look for a doctor specializing in physiology. When we have an imbalance linked to emotional and mental functioning, we look for a professional specializing in the mind.

    And we keep separating, dividing, going to specialists, disintegrating.

    I myself have studied the mind a lot. First, playing sports, working the body and not connecting it with what I thought while practicing and moving. Then, going to the psychoanalyst and studying psychology, without connecting with the way my body manifested itself when I told a memory or a dream that tormented me.

    Then I started to practice yoga. And I connected. Over time and with practice, I became aware of the emotions in the body and the pains in the mind. I opened awareness to stomach anxieties and emotional tensions. I sensed and felt, more than anything, the connection. Yoga is union. That is the goal.

    Yoga: Union body and mind

    We move the body, we move everything. We feel the letting go and surrender with each exhalation. We let go of these traumas that we are attached to, wishing they never happen again, spending energy to leave them well locked in a dark corner of the mind. And, during a good yoga practice, they come out of dusty corners and appear, messing with your stomach and breathing. We look at them, it's okay, let it go, focus on the breath, let the resistance go. Okay, it's gone. Ready, cleaned, opened.

    Now, I can breathe in this bright, new space. I can feel that part of my body where that memory was stored and holding everything back. I can become aware of it and create again, see the fluidity of sensations and breathe deeper now.

    We follow. practicing. Digging up. breathing. watching. Making space. Moving again.

    For me, yoga is the most complete path of healing, self-knowledge and connection there is. It is a philosophy of life that shows us the truth of each moment with lots of love. It shows us who we are and takes away the carcasses we've built for protection from mind-created fears.

    And we followed. practicing. With love. Studying and loving more and more, because this is the truth at the bottom of everything: love.

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