Yemanja's Prayer for Opening Paths

    Iemanjá, queen of the seas, female orixá of religions, mother of all adults, of all other orixás… She takes care, protects, opens the paths and emanates strength to those who believe, thank and pray for her!

    It is known that the Spanish Aphrodite, in addition to being much sought after by couples, takes care of those who enter the waters and is also powerful to open embarrassing paths, with obstacles that are difficult to pass.

    Yemanja's Prayer for Opening Paths
    Tereza Torres / Setur / Turismo Bahia / Flickr / Eu Sem Fronteiras

    To ask for Iemanjá's blessing, so that she can open the paths and give more clarity in the next steps, follow this prayer, with the following instructions:

    “O sovereign mother of waters, come to me in this time of distress. With my faith and devotion, I light this candle (preferably a blue candle) to light my requests and paths. Oh mother Yemanja, just as she controls the force of the waters, come and help me in what I need (at this moment, make your request, open your heart). With her pearly blue mantle, she covers my life with joy and all those around me. And to those who think they are my enemies, those, sovereign mother, change their thoughts so that they become worthy, and remove hatred from the hearts of each. Help solve what ails me and accompany me on this journey, so that evils don't reach me, please. O sovereign mother Yemanjá, I thank you in advance, because I have faith that you will always be with me. Omio omiodo ya.”

    For Yemanjá to protect you, cover you from all evils and make you firmer for the new paths, follow the instructions below and, with faith, say the prayer of protection:

    “Divine mother, protector of fishermen and who governs humanity, give us your protection. O sweet Yemanja, she cleanses our auras, frees us from all temptations. She is the force of nature, beautiful goddess of love and kindness (at this moment, she opens her request with faith). She helps us by unloading our materials from all impurities and may your phalanx protect us, giving us health and peace. May your will be done. Odoya.”

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    It is not mandatory, but try to make these occasions special, showing not only the requests, but also your gratitude to Iemanjá and her strength. It is also worth pleasing this orixá, offering her favorite flowers (white roses, white and blue palms, white orchids and chrysanthemums) and using her favorite colors (white, blue, aqua green). Also, try to say the prayers on Saturdays, the day of the week dedicated to Yemanjá.

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