Yellow September, September of Miracles and Life!

    We are living the September Yellow, an opportunity in which we recall the importance of preventive measures in relation to suicide. In honor of that milestone, today I write about A Course in Miracles' perspective on dying.

    The Course clarifies that God, the Perfect and Loving Mind creator of Reality, could never conceive thoughts of death. Therefore, everything that we perceive as finite and fragile are illusory forms that we believe to be real because we choose to listen to the ego instead of Holy Spirit.

    The ego is the thought system that we cultivate whenever we choose to believe that we are separate from each other, and separate from our Creative Source. When we choose separation, as much as we don't consciously realize it, we are also choosing for the sense of weakness, threat and the experience of death.

    Yellow September, September of Miracles and Life!

    We are slowly dying inside ourselves every time we choose separation and fear as our defenses in the face of what we perceive. This internal death, these sad decisions and inner perceptions based on the thought of separateness, end up creating (mistakenly) the experience of physical death.

    The Course clarifies that whenever we choose to believe only in the appearances of the physical world, appearances that attest to the reality of differences, misery, illness and death, we are at an unconscious level, wanting to die. We unconsciously wish to die because we are willing to believe in the possibility of our separation from the Perfectly Loving Source, creator of Eternal Life.

    The Fountain of Life creates only Life; the Kingdom of Heaven, the Realm of Perfect Mind is Pure Light, Oneness and has never experienced any kind of separation. So, if at some level of ourselves, we wish to experience something other than the Perfect Light, we end up moving towards experiences of shadow and death.

    Yellow September, September of Miracles and Life!

    The Holy Spirit, as we have seen in previous texts, is the part of our Mind that is still in contact with the Realm of Perfect Love. He recognizes our separate desires, thoughts, feelings and beliefs only to be FIXED AND CURED. The Holy Spirit is the healthy part of our minds that encourages us to believe what our physical eyes cannot attest; He teaches us to believe that we are all brothers, that we have shared interests, that we desire the same Love to complete us, because Love is only One and He created us all, together, in His Eternal Light of Life.

    Next September Yellow, what I want is that we have the courage to listen to the call of Life;

    that we listen to the inner voice that says that it is worth living, forgiving, forgetting the past, trusting the future and focusing on the Now.

    I want us to train our minds to strengthen each other for Mutual Aid. All human beings need help, guidance, support on the way back to the Eternal Home. I wish we didn't so quickly believe in judgments of separation and belittling, whether those judgments are about others or about ourselves. We have the possibility to hear judgments and forgive them through the Light of Inner Health and Sanity.

    Yellow September, September of Miracles and Life!

    Next September Yellow, I wish that we can look at our ego, at our shadows and, supported by the Holy Spirit, we can recognize that beyond all pain, there is a Kingdom of Inner Life that deserves to be heard and celebrated!

    I trust the Miracle of Change of Mind! I trust your ability to see your own Light! Let's go together in the direction of Life!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: The Practice of Forgiveness

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