Yellow color: know its meaning, energies and how to use it

Banana Peel, Sun, Canaries, Gold, Sunflower and Bladder. Do you know what all these elements have in common? The yellow color is present in all of them. There are those who love and some people hate this color, but it is not possible to ignore it. With a vibrant and flashy aspect, yellow is, most of the time, a symbol of joy.

There are more closed, cooler and warmer shades of yellow. The yellow of mustard, for example, is not the same yellow as the skin of a Sicilian lemon and yet we can quickly identify that they are variations of the same tone. That's because, even with a darker or more bluish touch, yellow is always yellow.

If you are a person who loves this color, the following content will show you that it is possible to shine a lot by taking advantage of the energy of yellow. On the other hand, if you still don't understand the fun of this flashy and vibrant color, prepare to be surprised and incorporate yellow into your life!

What is the meaning of the color yellow?

According to color psychology, each color conveys a different idea in each culture, being a form of non-verbal communication. From them, we can be stimulated to feel joy, fear, hunger, sleep, agitation, focus, energy, love and many other sensations. Therefore, each color emits a vibration.

In this sense, let's see what the meaning of the color yellow is according to color psychology, that is, what are the characteristics that we can associate with yellow. The first of these is joy and hospitality. Because it is a vibrant color, it brings cheer and warmth to any place or situation.

Yellow color: know its meaning, energies and how to use it
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Another characteristic of yellow, a little negative, can be observed when posters are made from it, for example. You may have noticed that the color yellow is not always visible in certain contexts, because it is a color that reflects a lot of light. On the other hand, in other situations, it can become very visible, as in permanent text markers, since in this context it can serve to activate attention.

Accelerating metabolism is another benefit of the yellow color, which works as an important stimulant, including to activate concentration. When used, however, in an exaggerated way in an environment or in a visual, prolonged exposure to yellow can bring fatigue to the eyes and feelings of frustration and stimulate anger. This color is therefore not recommended for environments that can generate stress, such as baby rooms.

What does the color yellow attract?

You must have already worn a yellow garment on New Year's to attract money, haven't you? Because it is the color of gold, many people believe that it attracts wealth and success with finances. Is this true or is it just a myth? Find out below!

The color yellow is responsible for attracting optimism, positivity, energy, willpower, creativity, wisdom and logic. This color is not intended to activate someone's emotional side, so it attracts decision making in a rational way, which can be very beneficial for the use of money, for example.

The color yellow, however, also has its negative side and, when it is very present in someone's life, it can attract coldness, rancor, lack of compassion and a very high level of demand even for the simplest activities. It is important to use it sparingly!

What does the color yellow mean in spiritualism?

For the spiritist religion, it is also possible to identify the meaning of colors. They are perceived in a person's aura, which is the energy he emits to the world. Each person has an aura color, with some tones being more predominant.

If a person has the aura with the yellow color being predominant, it is necessary to observe the shade of yellow in question. A yellow-orange, in this case, represents a high spirituality and a lot of wisdom. This person will find it easy to communicate with the beyond and to learn great lessons from life.

Yellow color: know its meaning, energies and how to use it
Marjorie Besteman-Horn/Pixabay

A lemon yellow aura will indicate that this person always acts based on reason and with a lot of discernment, being known as someone who thinks before acting and who does not make hasty decisions or decisions that have not been previously studied.

A pale yellow predominating in the color of a person's aura is not a good sign. The more whitish it is, the more it will indicate the difficulty in making decisions, in positioning oneself in the world and in acting.

Why is yellow the color of despair?

In an old interview, the pensioner named Benedita da Conceição, 69, was asked about the meaning of the colors of the España flag. The answer she gave turned into a meme: “Green is hope, isn't it? The yellow, I don't know, despair. The blue I don't know”. At school, we learned that yellow refers to the riches present in España, so Benedita's answer was quite unusual, causing countless laughs on the internet.

The color yellow is also seen as the color of despair because, on New Year's, the person wearing it is thought to be in need of money. Thus, it would be a desperate measure to believe that one piece of clothing will solve one's financial life. But, as we saw earlier, yellow is not the color of despair, as it stimulates vibrations quite different from this one.

Yellow color in chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is the name of an alternative therapy that aims to promote the healing of a region of the body or mind from the application of a specific light in the place that you want to renew. In addition, it is possible to incorporate chromotherapy in solarized water, in clothing colors or in ambient colors.

In addition, the color yellow in chromotherapy is used to promote treatments in the digestive system, mainly. Poor digestion, constipation, hemorrhoids and other diseases in the region can be alleviated with chromotherapy as a complementary treatment. It is also useful for skin problems and mental disorders such as depression.

How to use yellow in decoration

How would you feel in the long run if you walked into an all-yellow environment? With the yellow walls and with the decorative objects in the same color? At first, it might even trigger energy and joy, but in the long run it would become stressful and tiring.

Yellow color: know its meaning, energies and how to use it
Lars_Nissen / Pixabay

Thinking about it, yellow can appear in the decoration of any environment, as long as it is done with caution. Avoid bright yellow walls and opt for lighter versions of the color, such as straw and sand. You can use yellow pillows, vases of that color or vibrant dishes, because in these cases the yellow will not be so present to the point of bothering you.

yellow crystals

The yellow crystals metaphorically represent the Sun. They are related to the third chakra, which is the solar plexus, allying with personal desires, accomplishments, and the ego. So, you can bet on yellow crystals to boost your professional life and your personal success.

The main ones are citrine, sulphur, yellow sapphire, amber and imperial topaz. Carry, as an amulet, a crystal of one of these types and realize the difference that the color yellow can make in your everyday life.

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Now that you understand every detail about the energy yellow conveys, it's time to share your knowledge with the world. Show how much this color can bring you joy, positivity, creativity and logical thinking. Increase your personal success by bringing this color to your routine and see how everything will improve!

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