World peace starts with us

    We are so deeply connected in our culture, in our family, in our Country, in our religion, race, ethnicity, creed, in a deep symbiotic relationship, that we do not realize how much this is rooted within our DNA. We often get caught up with so many preconceptions related to a person's origin, religion, etc... that we need to delve deeper within ourselves, to discover the origin of these blocks and where they originated. At ThetaHealing we have a course called World Relations and it's about how to cleanse ourselves so that we can mirror absolute peace and acceptance and learn to dance this dance in harmony with our fellow human beings. We can say that taking this course is in fact β€œa step towards world peace”.

    A job that will help you become much more effective in all professional and business roles and be able to interact with other people, customers, co-workers more easily. You will feel more comfortable traveling in places your ancestors may have previously lived or had issues with. And you will gain insights and wisdom relevant in today's multi-cultural societies, allowing you to be more at ease socially and within your own family and relationships.

    It is clear how the beliefs that we carry on a genetic and historical level are generated, about people, other countries, languages ​​and cultures, blocks related to the main religions of the world, and learning to release cultural and societal beliefs that have been for generations in us over the centuries and which have been genetically transmitted through your family, will free us from hidden prejudices and conflicts that may be unconsciously influencing life experiences and interactions with other people.

    When we come across these blocks in Relationships to the World that surrounds us, we can at first deny everything, because the level that these blocks are, are often unconscious, but when we clear these blocks of beliefs, it will take us to a step of becoming Master of ourselves.

    World peace starts with us

    Some ThetaHealing seminars are exciting because they bring surprises as you delve deeply into specific cultures and belief systems to shed light on awareness of current or past issues with races, religions and people. One can find restricted thought patterns and belief systems in relation to certain cultures. Once the issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentments that go back centuries will be removed from your entire belief system and your DNA. It is possible to learn to release negative feelings and programs from other cultures and people around the world and this helps to open doors and can create opportunities for you. With the internet and through all the information so easily available, the world has become a much smaller place. Because of this, we have a pressing need to understand and accept other cultures.

    When we investigate our relationship with the world, we will certainly be surprised by so many toxicities, unconscious negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. The more we work on ourselves, the more we realize how we may be supporting genetic beliefs linked to fear, hatred and anger towards other countries, lands and their peoples that we previously didn't know we had.

    In order for us to find peace, we have to know how to deal with feelings and emotions; and develop skills in creating union and knowing how to make agreements. This is possible if we have enough emotional and spiritual intelligence to put ourselves in the other person's shoes; put on the other's shoes to know where the callus presses. Feel the pain of the other. There is only one way to develop emotional and spiritual intelligence, through self-knowledge.

     The reasons for wars are always the same: jealousy, envy, defending points of view. You believe that your truth is better than someone else's truth. This begins in your relationship with the other person who is close to you, because we believe that evil only exists in the hearts of terrorists, bandits, people of dubious character. This is absolutely illusory. Evil exists within every human heart and we are co-creators of absolutely everything; all!

    And as we go deeper into self-knowledge, we have the understanding that fear in us creates the difficulty of believing in our ability and this generates suffering, an internal war. We have to create peace, and to create peace we have to break with war. In order to break with the war, we first have to identify it within ourselves and this begins in our daily lives, with our small family, at work, in social life and extends to border neighbors and the whole world. But it is absolutely necessary and fundamental, the practice of meditation and self-knowledge and ThetaHealing is a powerful tool for removing internal and external conflict in yourself and others; that will allow us to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.

    If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.

    If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house.

    If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation.

    If there is no order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

    (Chinese proverb)

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