Will the prophecies be fulfilled or not?

    Beloved! Prophecy is an account in which it is claimed to foretell future events. When such a forecast is based on actual and concrete facts, it can also be said to be a forecast. But when the prophesyer allegedly relies on divine inspiration or accessing his HIGHER SELF, then it is called prophecy.

    A prophecy may or may not come to pass, but it was still correct when it was announced. This is due to the fact that it is a projection based on the reality of the moment it was announced. But everything is movement anywhere and at all times. This causes the current scenario to change over the years.

    This is the reason that determines the uncertainty in any forecast based on actual facts at the time of the announcement. Obviously, changing the scenario changes the entire forecast based on it. An example of this is the weather forecasts used by meteorology. They are not always confirmed.

    But I will speak here of the apocalyptic PROPHECIES currently being discussed. Such events have never been talked about and even feared so much that they were theoretically predicted by prophets in all times, from the most remote to the present day. Allegedly, such premonitions are grounded in divine inspirations or through your HIGHER SELF. These are the most feared by humanity not only for the horror they would cause, but motivated by imposed beliefs regarding such cataclysmic events.

    Will the prophecies be fulfilled or not?
    RubensML / Getty Images / Canva

    Let's consider the hypothesis that some Prophets were really well-meaning and predicted, through divine inspiration, that some events would come in the future, certainly based on the actual conditions of the time in which they lived. But, as I said before, the Earth is always in motion. This makes your energy also change a lot in a certain time. Changing the energy, everything changes from there.

    But there is a really impressive fact within all that has been said about apocalyptic prophecies. In 2012, a lot of information coming from Alto categorically stated that NO PROPHECY MADE BEFORE THAT DATE WOULD BE CONFIRMED. And yet there was an addition: humanity had achieved the vibration necessary for a smoother Transition, and this determined that the Earth, as a living consciousness, had decided for her.

    This is part of the Divine Laws that govern the Worlds. There is nothing that can change such decrees of the Creator. We have, then, a new planetary scenario: NOTHING THAT WE HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED THAT WOULD OCCUR IN APOCALYPTIC WAY WILL HAPPEN. That's the guarantee we all have now.

    But then why do you still insist on these unfounded theories? I'm sure you've already solved the riddle. Of course, collective fear is a resource often used by the Dark Ones in order to slightly delay the rise of humanity and the determining Event of Planetary Transition. This also slightly delays the end of Darkness on Planet Earth.

    Will the prophecies be fulfilled or not?
    Cortes22 / Getty Images / Canva

    The only really effective weapon that is still used by the dark ones is the dissemination of fear, as it lowers the energetic vibrations of people and, as a collective, it also lowers that of the entire Planet.

    This is the reason for insisting so much on subjects and news that only increase people's fear.

    And now a piece of information that arrives opportunely about the prophecies: although some prophets were really being instructed by divine inspiration, a large portion of them did nothing more than serve as instruments of Darkness. Obviously, knowing that their time here would end, they were already preparing the ground for the future. Through the beliefs imposed on humanity, it was not difficult to convince them that the apocalypse would bring the end of the world.

    • Learn about the Illuminated – Prophecies road. New Earth.
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    Today, fortunately, the awakening of consciences brings another understanding about such predictions and, with that, the serenity of the awakened ones regarding the changes that will come. It is now known that Earth will transition as smoothly as possible. It is known that no one will go through what they don't need to go through. It is known that apocalypse means CHANGE. And that the change will be according to the vibration of each one. Nothing more just within the infallible DIVINE JUSTICE!

    GOOD always prevails over EVIL. And that shows that the Light won! Definitely!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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