Why stress about wars that aren't mine?

    A relative peace is better than a war won, because peace is not the absence of war, it is a secret place where all desires for happiness reside. When we are well with ourselves, we love peace, we observe nature better, we are sensitive to good feelings, joyful, in perfect harmony with the Universe.

    We are living in a frenetic world, super fast and full of infinite possibilities and information. In the midst of technology, the human being is losing its essence, respect, love, and is ceasing to be a humanist to be like a robot of capitalism, materialism and greed.

    Why stress about wars that aren't mine?
    Natalie_Miss from Getty Images / Canva

    Intolerance on all sides. Hatred, envy, jealousy, rancor, disrespect for those who think differently, all this contributes to human beings becoming more and more strangers in the face of their own species.

    There are political, religious and other fights, as in football itself, from which wars that are not ours are born. We don't need them, none of them to have a dignified and quality life. The war I don't want is the war I won, so all peace is the result of a war won.

    The weak are not those who lost the war; the weak is the one who accepted the war, letting the winner of the war make him disappear for having lost without helping the weak to survive. In times of peace, children bury their parents; in times of war, parents bury their children. It is very important for man to know war so as not to abandon peace.

    The fact is that, when the human being is at peace with himself, he doesn't want war with anyone, maybe buy the noise of political parties, or of a religion, football team or ideologies of the right or left. Not that peace brings a denial of social commitments, however a well-resolved man, at peace, busy with the beautiful family and life he leads, in fact, does not care about these childishness of most adults who are mass of maneuver.

    No system bends a person aware of what life is. So, what is life anyway?

    Why stress about wars that aren't mine?
    ismagilov de Getty Images / Canva

    Maybe the answer could be inside your house or looking in the mirror.

    Inner peace is happiness for the soul, and self-control with balance and discernment is, for the mind, refreshment, lightness and acceptance of reality.

    Never buy anyone's fight. In fact, the sage abandons any possibility of war for himself, knowing that war can only be won with silence, and letting time pass and kill any war life. Peace is gold, it brings longevity and mental and physical health.

    It doesn't take much, just knowing how to live without fear of not being part of this political and religious nonsense, or any possible type of situation that could generate violence.

    When you love yourself, you are likely to be at peace, away from war. But when I say love you, I mean the maximum level of consciousness of time and space in which you live. Therefore, by loving yourself above all else - when I say everything, I mean above all - you will not depend on guru, pastor, teachers or whoever points you, to dictate rules in your life or in your choices. When you love yourself above all, you become the protagonist of your own existence, free, without wars, without any kind of institutional obligations, in peace, without wars.

    • What is life?
    • For what purpose do you do what you do?
    • Who do you do it for?

    You should really become aware of your beliefs, look for references and do a thorough research, not just based on your good faith. For example, those who buy the war for religion are the religious extremists. Try to convince an evangelical to read, at least for 5 days, about Reverse Theology books or watch documentaries. Do this challenge and, after they have read and watched it for at least 5 days at least, let them tell you the result.

    This is true for all religions in the world. Try reading about the ancient religion of mythology, which in the ancient world was as strong as Islam and Judaism are today. Try reading about the history of politics in the world, about Marxism, about right and left. The more you provoke your beliefs and assumptions, the less trapped and fanatical you become. Soon the war is meaningless.

    Why stress about wars that aren't mine?
    color / pixabay

    War is a massacre between people who don't know each other, for the benefit of people who know each other, but don't massacre each other. It is a fact that there are class wars. I, however, win my war by not abandoning my peace in my universe. War is only a river for those who sail with its current.

    So avoid news that ignites hatred, that promote inclinations to intolerance or any kind of disrespect. Do not enter this war that is not yours. Vote consciously, without fanfare. If there is a family or personal problem that causes anger and hatred, desire for revenge or the like, run away from it all. Keep your turn while living in peace.

    "I don't want to know what World War III will be like, because if war were the only way to get leadership, people wouldn't hate it so much."

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    Don't dream of success, don't go to war over something so mediocre. Rather, work and conquer life without wars; so use your imagination, which is the greatest weapon of war against harsh reality.


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