Why it's important to create habits in the early hours of the day

If you only knew how early hours of the day are important, you probably wouldn't do things like pick up your cell phone right when you wake up and get in touch with unnecessary conversation energies. With today's hectic life, we know that many people are on the "automatic button" and in the first few hours unconsciously do tasks that will not add value or contribute to a productive day.

Why it's important to create habits in the early hours of the day

Imagine the following situation: You wake up. You are still between the spiritual world and the material world, that is, it is in this state of consciousness that your subconscious is most likely to pick up all statements and behaviors. And so, at that moment, you pick up the cell phone that is next to your bed to access social networks and start reading โ€œthe misfortunes of the worldโ€ โ€“ sorry, dear reader, but I feel bad writing that word. , haha. If you don't have access to social networks, you turn the TV on to newspapers and news. At this point, therefore, you begin to let these energies into your mind, and as the hours go by, you start to feel bad and you don't know why.

Now, imagine that you have positive and healthy habits in the early hours of the day.

Yes, that's what we call morning miracle. Did you know that creating positive habits takes your mind into a state of excitement and success so great that your subconscious wants to repeat it?

Why it's important to create habits in the early hours of the day

When you wake up, prefer to take care of yourself, prepare for the new day, put positive affirmations or do a meditation. Take care of your body by thinking and sending love to all the activities you will do during the day, and if something happens that wasn't in your plans, simply take a deep breath and ask your God for help, because that's when the universe sends the answers. for your questions.

At first it may seem difficult as your mind is used to the old behaviors. Vyou, however, need to insist on your new habit. Remember that it takes 21 days to acquire a strong habit, that is, don't give up on the 5th day, keep persevering and grateful and you will have healthy habits in the morning.

Why it's important to create habits in the early hours of the day

If you already have these habits, share your experience with me. If you're going to start practicing them, I'd love to see your progress!

See you soon.

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