Why is touch so important?

    Perhaps this is not a subject that is often talked about in everyday life, with our family and friends. But, even if it is little talked about, it is felt intensely, in a very expressive way, by us human beings. Physical contact is much more important than you probably realize.

    Physical contact between humans can help relieve stress, cure illness, decrease levels of anxiety, aggression, and impulsivity, among many other things. And don't think this is a new theory. On the contrary, touch used as a form of therapy and relaxation is an ancient custom.

    Swedish massage (massage therapy), for example, is known to relieve muscle tension, eliminate dead skin cells and bring a feeling of relaxation and well-being. This technique is usually applied with oil or creams, while patients are lying on a massage table, or in a chair designed for this work.

    Osteopathy also seeks, through massage (but applied with other methods) to benefit the human body, with a focus on adjusting the body's joints. Another technique also known is chiropractic, which aims to align all the vertebrae of the spine through massage.

    There are many other massage techniques that also help the body to achieve physical and mental well-being and quality, however, there are other styles of human touch that can be even more beneficial for everyone. 

    Not only do they need to be in tune for us to function, but each of them also needs to be right for balance to be achieved within us. If any of them are β€œunhappy”, we will also feel incomplete.

    A great way to align these three pillars that sustain our existence is with the human touch. But, not the touch of massages or other techniques. In this case, we need the touch that generates affection, like hugs, for example.

    The human brain effectively responds to physical contact. For example, if you are in a situation that you consider dangerous, your brain releases nervous reactions that will make you feel afraid.

    However, if you immediately feel the contact of someone you love – if someone hugs you or holds your hand, for example – your fear will decrease, and this is already a fact scientifically proven by several studies. One of the first was carried out at the University of Virginia, in the United States, by a team of neuroscientists and psychologists there.

    Why is touch so important?

    According to this study, physical contact decreases cortisol levels, a hormone responsible for stress, fear, physical pain, and even helps improve the health of the immune system. It also increases the production of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters responsible for releasing hormones that influence happiness. In addition to increasing levels of oxytocin, the famous love hormone.

    A touch of affection, such as a hug, a caress, kisses and so many others, are only good for the human being. By the way, very good! It is so true that people who suffered from the absence of affection in childhood, or during other moments of life, can suffer from serious psychological pathologies, which can transform or come together with other physical diseases.

    Therefore, today, the scientific class recognizes touch as something beneficial, important and indispensable for the maintenance and constant improvement of human health - physical, mental and emotional health.

    Therefore, it is possible to conclude that touch makes people healthier and happier, which can even influence the future of society. So don't be afraid, tap! Hug the people you love, greet others, be polite and watch the world improve.

    Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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