Why is self-esteem good?

    Jesus, when being questioned by his disciples about a summary of his commandments, sent this:

    “You shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and the first commandment, said the master.

    The second, he said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

    You who have heard this topic so many times, found it in books, articles, podcasts, etc. Do you know why the search?

    I answer you:

    Self-esteem, or self-love, or the old self-love is good because if I (really) like myself, I will support myself, respect myself, consider myself, take care of myself with zeal and affection, and that way I won't need the love of the another, I will no longer submit to your opinions, your wishes, criticism, praise, bribes…

    I will be free, even to love (even) the other; without neurotic games, silly little blackmail, without playing the poor thing.

    If I really like myself, I will accept myself as I am, and be my constant companion.

    Why is self-esteem good?
    George Shervashidze / Pexels

    If I really like myself, I won't be embarrassed anymore, I won't submit in search of consideration, support, sympathy, approval from anyone.

    I will be free!

    Free, without arrests, without handcuffs, without holding myself hostage to anything or anyone.

    Of course I will appreciate the attention of others, the support received. I will be happy with praise, approval and seals. But no longer hostage to it all. No longer dependent.

    I will then have conquered true Freedom and not the feeling of freedom that is sought in risky sports, risky sex, alcohol, drugs and so many other risky situations.

    Why is self-esteem good?
    Kal Visual / Unsplash

    This Freedom gives me the opportunity to walk my path and search for self-knowledge.

    But, amazingly, it's not easy to love yourself.

    Society, culture, media, family, school… have taught us neurotic love; that we should love our neighbor, respect him, do all his wishes and whims, because in that way he, the neighbor, would reciprocate with the same behavior.

    But that's not what we found.

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    And, at a time when misconceptions were being deconstructed, it was time to rescue the master's commandment.

    Love us

    Let's free ourselves from the yoke of the appreciation of the other.

    May Love set us free, and may this love be in the first place for us, for this is not selfishness, it is commandment.

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