Why is it so easy to blame the other?

    Hello, friends of Eu sem Fronteiras! Welcome back here. Today I'm going to talk about one of our "strategies" to overcome our suffering: blaming the other for our problems and disappointments. And it's so easy and automatic for us to do that, isn't it?

    We all have two levels of consciousness: an egocentric one and an empathetic one. The egocentric part is the one that is focused only on ourselves, without including the other, and at the same time it is the part of us that is completely dependent on the other to be happy – we need them to meet all our needs.

    The empathic part is that he truly loves himself and his neighbor, that he respects and understands the limits of each one, that he sees the other as a brother.

    When we focus only on our egocentric side, which is selfish, we only see the other side when something unpleasant happens to us. We couldn't see what our role was in that situation. We are responsible for our life, so we always have our share of the chaos we decide to make of it.

    Why is it so easy to blame the other?

    We often blame the other for being aggressive, but we don't see how permissive and cowardly we were and we don't change the situation because we become dependent on security and/or recognition.

    Other times, we blame the other for a broken marriage, but we don't see how much we contributed to getting where it is. Other times, we blame the government for corruption, for the chaos in the country, but we don't observe our corrupt attitudes on a daily basis.

    It's much easier to blame than to look at yourself. It's much easier to point the finger than to realize how imperfect we are and how much we still need to walk to evolve.

    When we focus only on our self-centered side, we don't grow, we remain grumpy children who stamp our feet and cry when they don't get what they want.

    When we do not attend to both sides of our consciousness, we enter into mental, physical and/or spiritual imbalance. Yes, we are still small, we still have to attend to our egocentric side, but we need to fight every day for it to decrease and, only then, focused on empathy, we will become better people and find true happiness.

    A big kiss and until next time!

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