Why doesn't buying things make you happy?

Raised in a consumption-oriented economy, we have been brainwashed by economists, politicians and the advertising industries who tell us that we need to consume constantly to feel good and happy. We have been persuaded to think that buying things is the only way to prove to others and ourselves our worth, to the point where we stop looking at the less fortunate and look at those who have more.

Of course, the reality is very different, especially for those who observe the world around them. No matter how many possessions people have, it seems they are never satisfied. and they always leave me wanting more. Even the richest of the rich, who appears to be brilliant and successful, with money that can buy everything, is actually a soul thirsting for happiness, but unable to find it because he is a victim of materialism.

Now you might ask yourself: Why does this happen? Why doesn't buying things bring happiness to our lives? Well, here are some reasons why consumerism won't and can't make you happy:

1. Material things cannot satisfy your emotional needs

What we really want in life are experiences of freedom, peace, love and friendship. Objects are not capable of making you live this. They only satisfy your simple physical desires and can still hurt you over time.

2. Your possessions can make you insecure

To be connected with your goods is to be constantly concerned about their maintenance and decay. Also, the more possessions you want in life, the more anxious you will be.

3. Collections will fill you with distractions

Living well means living simply, the more things you acquire, the more complicated your life will get. Instead of buying things that you really don't need, start getting rid of what you don't need and I guarantee you it will help you find your inner peace.

Why doesn't buying things make you happy?

4. There's always something new somewhere

No matter how good or expensive a certain product is, it is very likely that it will soon become outdated because of the constant development of the market.

5. You will waste your money

Spending your hard-earned money on products that will not contribute to your well-being is not the wisest thing to do. Instead, why not spend it on something that will benefit the world as much as you do?

6. you will waste your time

Getting too focused on acquiring more possessions will distance you from what really matters in life. It's short, so try to live it as best you can.

7. There will always be greener grass

Having more money or status than someone else might seem like the best way to boost your ego, but the truth is, you can't be the best all the time. There will always be others who will have more than you. And if your happiness depends on you having more things than others, you will always be unhappy and disappointed.

8. Consumerism contributes to pollution

You might think consumerism is good for the economy, but have you ever thought about where all these products end up? They end up turning into toxic waste in landfills, poisoning the planet we inhabit and which sustains us.

From now on, stop looking for happiness in things β€” you won't find it that way. Instead, try to live experiences that fill your heart with joy and enthusiasm. Reverse the brainwashing they try to do on you day after day. Remember: the human being is conditioned to be happy with all the simplest things that life can offer and not for consumption.

Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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