Why do we give explanations?

Whenever we make a decision, it will come with two consequences: the people who will congratulate you for it and the people who will criticize you. After all, each person has a vision of reality, of what is good and what is bad, so they tend to interfere in the other's path if their choices are not compatible with the person's worldview.

When this happens, we soon start to give a thousand explanations, in order to try to make the other understand or at least accept the path we take, but this is harmful, especially for ourselves.

Remember that the other may even want the best for you, but only you know what is best for yourself. Therefore, your choices must come from you, from your heart, letting yourself be guided by what makes your heart vibrate with joy.

Why do we give explanations?

So how can we stop giving explanations for everything?

First, it is interesting to identify which topics of our life do not fit the other (there are many, believe me) but let's give some examples to clarify the ideas.

Their appearance is one of the main issues, because each one has a biotype, a physical shape, a hair color, a taste, etc. So you don't have to explain to others why you are so thin or a little overweight, nor the color of your hair.

Make it clear that your appearance must please yourself first.

Another point is the way you eat. When someone decides to become a vegetarian, cut out sugar or even stop drinking soda, many question and wonder, but the decision is yours! Many things could have made you give up certain foods and no one has anything to do with it.

Why do we give explanations?

We still have the point of sexuality. This is one of the most complicated factors, because those who open their gender identity to the world are soon judged and, without realizing it, are already explaining themselves on the subject.

However this is one more point that is up to you and you alone. After all, who will love and respect until death do them part is you.

In addition to all this, topics such as professional career, religious convictions, tastes, hobbies, among other diverse subjects will make you questioned and judged. However, this is all your business, so just be silent.

Why do we give explanations?

Anyway, there is no specific reason why we give explanations to others.

We just feel the need to make everything very clear, especially when it involves the opinion of family members, but we all have the free will to make the best decisions for our lives.

So, if you want to stop explaining yourself to everyone, believe in your choices, knowing that if it goes wrong, the situation will only be a learning experience for your life. You already know what's best for yourself!

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