Why do we get sick?

We live in fear of death and this makes us live in a constant background career in fear of getting sick. We spend money on chemicals to try to alleviate symptoms or to stop diseases from taking over our bodies, our lives. We trust that chemists are the solution to overcoming the disease.

But should we question ourselves to get the proper answers? Why do we get sick? He knows? A subject with great social taboo that we need to approach from understanding and not from fear.

It all starts with pregnancy.

Why do we get sick?

At the moment we enter the maternal uterus, at that same moment we collect from the mother, father and family ancestry all the healthy and diseased genetic information of each one of them; not only on a physical level but also on an emotional, psychological and energetic level. In this way, we also inherit feelings, emotions, and thought patterns, both positive and negative, although they are mostly negative.

What does it mean?

This means that already in the womb the body and emotional field develop with this information and we continue to grow after birth with it.

What are the consequences of this?

Why do we get sick?

With all the negative information, we activate in our organism, emotional field and energy system all the damages corresponding to each problem, disease, phobia, etc.

We can define this information as the genetic and emotional โ€œalarm clockโ€ of these diseases, which not only affect us physically but also affect all aspects of our growth, starting with character, the way of being, being, acting and behaving.

This becomes the trigger that makes us generate more negative feelings related to the ones we assume, develop by feeding and increasing all the damage caused by these feelings, emotions, traumas and patterns.

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What do we originate with this?

Why do we get sick?

This situation, these mechanisms create a deficit at all levels, mainly at the cellular level and in the neuronal synapse. This is why we are born with a deficient immune system. In this way, cells and DNA develop and become diseased due to the information they contain.

The way we educate ourselves, the environment in which we grow and develop normally make these cells develop more and more with a wrong pattern of reproduction, due to the patterns that we generate without being aware that they are not ours, but an inheritance that we feed. .

This heritage, feelings, emotions, traumas and phobias that we feed over time grows and is what really causes us to get sick, with more or less serious illnesses, from the flu to cancer.

Is it possible to reverse this situation?

Why do we get sick?

The solution is not to run away or be afraid of the disease, but to act on what makes us sick.

We must look for our true root, the true seed, not with which we were conceived and with which we grew up.

In this search, cleaning all the wrong records with which we were conceived and created, we managed to make the cells also change their information and formation by healthy cells, thus modifying the DNA and the immune system.

Leading us to be healthy, not only physically but also neurally, emotionally, psychologically and energetically. This work only we can do.

How and what do we do?

Why do we get sick?

It is your responsibility, the responsibility of each one of us to look for the person or the means through which to advise and accompany you in order to achieve this objective. It is also our choice whether to do so or not.

It's your responsibility to create a new life or get on the train that passes through life as one more. This is your choice.

Text written by Roberto Castillo.

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