Why do we feel good about shopping?

Even with a strong economic crisis that devastates the country considerably, consumption rates increase more and more. According to surveys carried out in recent months by specialized institutes, such as IBGE (Spanish Institute of Geography and Statistics) and IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research), the numbers are favorable with regard to recovery from this fall.

Such notes serve to illustrate a very intriguing phenomenon in the midst of the data published daily in the media, because, despite gradually rising again, it is worth remembering that the unemployment rate in Spain, according to a recent report (January/2017) released by the ILO (International Labor Organization), is large and should reach 13,8 million unemployed in 2018. At the same time, shopping is still on the list of the most common practices of the population.

Given these facts, why do people feel so much pleasure in shopping, regardless of the financial problems that may arise in the future? Perhaps the answer is hidden in a slightly weird and different term: oneomania, which is better known as the disease of consumerism.

Understanding a little about oneomania

There are many reasons that lead a person to spend compulsively. This fact has led thousands to indebtedness and restrictions on financial institutions. The insatiable desire to buy appears due to the feeling of emptiness, anguish, anxiety and an uncontrollable desire to satiate this state that borders on despair. It is a psychological disorder characterized as an addiction similar to alcoholism or drug use. The person who suffers from this disease hardly sees that he has passed the point and prepares for a stronger dose that leads to suffering. According to the Psicosmica website, these are some of the signs that indicate binge eating:

– When he is sad or frustrated, he always tries to buy something;

– Has excessive preoccupation with buying;

– Always ends up spending more money and more time than planned;

– Has family problems and strain in their social relationships due to excessive spending;

- You have debts that exceed the amount you can pay;

– Always looking for ways to get money to cover the hole in the bank account;

– Buy unnecessary items or in exaggerated quantities;

– Always regrets right after shopping and feels frustrated with it;

– Takes out a loan to cover expenses;

– Lies, omits and hides excessive purchases and also debts.

This disorder can be triggered by other triggers, such as dependence on chemical substances, diseases that affect eating (such as anorexia and bulimia), bipolarity, among others. It's like a match is waiting for the moment to be struck and burn everything. A person dealing with depression, for example, is more likely to suffer from oneomania, because of the negative feelings he has. It's as if the act of shopping gives her a false sense of joy and relief, which will soon be replaced by dissatisfaction and sadness.

Why do we feel good when shopping?

β€œIt is a desire to possess, to have power, that is repressed. By not being able to give vent to their desire, the person suffers an enormous internal pressure that leads them to the need to have new things as the only form of pleasure", says the coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP, Denise Gimenez Ramos, who is also a psychologist.

Among women, attention should be redoubled, as they are the majority in surveys that indicate the proportion of compulsive. According to the psychologist Tatiana Filomensky, this is due to the fact that they are more responsible for the house purchases and also because they are more vain when looking for beauty treatments, accessories, clothes and sundries. This relationship with cosmetics, fashion and beautification is part of the feminine culture. Therefore, women are more likely to spend more than necessary.

Why do we feel good about shopping?

However, it is worth mentioning that the idea is not to stop consuming, even because such a trick is impossible, since we live in a capitalist system that needs to circulate money to survive. What should be taken into account is the development of a slightly more refined conscience when it comes to spending money.

Carefully analyze the items of extreme importance for use, reflect on your lifestyle, your social class, and live in a way that suits your income. Make a financial plan and organize your expenses, writing everything down in a spreadsheet or notebook. In this way, it is possible to easily locate expenses and what to do to reduce them. These are some steps to be taken for change.

However, if the situation is more serious, seek psychological help and don't let yourself be overcome by this disease, which is actually quite harmful.

Written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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