Why are my plants dying?

In addition to being beautiful, plants can change the energy of a home and even help us to have a healthier life. However, they are sensitive beings and, when we don't take the correct care, they start to wither, lose their color and life.

If you've come this far because you don't understand why your plants are dying, read on to learn about some of the factors that could be causing it and check out solutions that can help!

Pets are killing

Pets love to play with everything, including plants, so it's common for pets to dig the soil in the garden and pots, eat the plants or even knock them over. So, if you have a pet and want to maintain the health of your plants, try to place them in places where animals cannot access them or think of ways to protect the pots.

In addition, some plants can poison animals, so keeping them away from them can be a way to take care of your pet too.

Caterpillars are invading your plants

Caterpillars are the main pests that affect plants, and their presence is easy to identify, as they leave a trail of destruction on the plant, especially on the leaves. To deal with them, we suggest the use of industrialized or homemade insecticides.

A suggestion is to beat 200 g of onion and 2 liters of water and leave the solution in a bottle for 10 days. Then, just dilute 330 ml of the mixture in 1 liter of water and apply to plants.

Plants are under watered

Are you afraid of watering your plants too much? So they may be suffering from a lack of water. To maintain your plant's health, it's important that you learn about its watering needs.

In addition, it is also important to consider the time of year, because in winter, for example, water takes longer to evaporate from the earth, so the amount of watering should be reduced, while in summer the plants need more watering. A tip to check if the soil is really dry is to put your finger in the soil to a certain depth.

the plants are being watered in excess

Sometimes we think it's better to err on the side of excess, right? But this does not apply when we talk about plants, because excess water makes it difficult for the roots to oxygenate, rotting them and harming your little plant. So when in doubt, choose to water less.

The plants are being poorly fertilized

Why are my plants dying?
kanzilyou / Getty Images / Canva

The lack of nutrients can also harm the development of the plant, so try to fertilize your plant with some frequency. Spring and summer are the best times of the year to fertilize them, but this can also be done at other times, depending on your plant's needs.

Pruning is being done poorly

Pruning your plants correctly ensures longevity and health for them, so broken or diseased branches should always be removed. To eliminate just a part, choose to cut just above the small nodes, but if you want to remove the entire branch, cut close to the stem. In addition, dried leaves and flowers also need to be removed from the vase whenever possible.

Different plants are in the same pots

People with gardens tend to plant different species in the same pot. This is a mistake, after all, each plant has a specific need for water, fertilizer and space. The simplest solution to this is to have a pot for each plant.

Ants are eating your plants

"But ants are so small, what harm can they do?" It is because of this thought that many people are mistaken and do not notice the ants destroying their plants, as they also eat the plants. Also, if you see ants walking on your plant, it could indicate other pests, such as aphids or mealybugs, which eat the sap and leave wounds on the plants, which ends up attracting insects.

Strong wind is killing your plants

Last but not least, wind can be a plant destroyer, especially in high-floor gardens and balconies. So leave your more fragile plants in a safe place from the wind and place more resistant plants, such as lavender, bamboo orchid, dracena, zamioculca, among others.

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Now, in addition to knowing everything that can kill your plants, you already know what to do when you come across some of these situations, so just take all the care so that your plants live well for many years and you can enjoy the beauty, the aromas and the benefits they can provide you!

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