Why and how to judge less?

Often, after meeting someone or observing a situation in everyday life, our subconscious ends up automatically making a pre-judgment of the person or their attitudes - and this judgment is not always positive. According to experts, judging is a characteristic tendency of the human being, but it can and should be controlled for our own well-being and that of those around us, since judgment can be related to tiniest things or to more important issues. serious, which can generate a conflict because we generate an image of the person that is not always real, as is the case with the famous stereotypes.

Psychopedagogue Mônica Pessanha claims that this judgmental behavior can be identified as “categorizing”, which is an internal device that we all use and that helps us to live in society: “categorizing is a fundamental cognitive activity, because it helps human beings to organize and represent knowledge about things and people,” she says. However, this activity is capable of helping us to look at someone and assume a certain behavior of the person through the pre-knowledge we have about social and psychological issues, and this can be the first step towards prejudice. We judge and are judged daily, but it is necessary to reflect on what you have been thinking about people.

Why and how to judge less?

In most situations, we don't put ourselves in others' shoes and lack empathy. Those who keep in mind that their own point of view is the only valid, correct and “absolute truth” prevents themselves from going further and understanding different perspectives or even having new experiences that generate wisdom. It is essential to allow yourself to doubt your opinions and even your own beliefs when new horizons could provide you with knowledge. Exercise thoughts that allow you to accept that tastes and personalities are different and that this does not mean that there is right and wrong, nor that there is a better opinion than the other.

Why and how to judge less?

It is important to know that there is a big difference between analyzing the behavior of others with common sense and making a negative and harmful judgment about a person; this second case is often made on the basis of hasty judgments, because we come to hasty conclusions. If you've ever felt wronged by someone else's misjudgment of you, you know how damaging judgment can be. Reducing the effects on this practice can be simple and easy: being a sensible person and with good will in your evaluations of others. If you are already a person with a habit of judging even the smallest details, this becomes a habit and takes over the way you think, feel and act. That is, this practice will turn into a habit and you will start judging everyone around you by their clothes, actions, choices, mannerisms, and more.

Why and how to judge less?

To get rid of these thoughts that come out of you without wanting to and spread negative energies in the world, first you need to identify which are the routine moments when you end up judging someone. Pay attention to them to understand what you are thinking and what can be destructive to yourself and others. Writing down your behavior towards others throughout the day or week will help you to police yourself and restrict everything that is negative. You may wonder why you are judging such a person in that way, if you don't know what he is going through, what he has faced that day, that week or that month. You don't even know if it's worth wearing your brain with shallow judgments about the choices of someone who doesn't interfere with anything in your life.

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Far beyond putting yourself in the other's shoes, being aware that you are in the world to evolve and that all other people have this same mission can be the highlight that will make you realize that the judgment of the next, most of the time , is not healthy, much less will help in this journey of evolution to which we are all submitted. Keep in mind that energies always return to their place of origin, which is why doing good, thinking positive and helping others (even if that help is just not judging you) is the main way to have good things happen to you.

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